So a few months ago one of my video fruit machines broke! Well, it broke before that, fixed it and it went again so a plan was made. The issue was the gfx card, so bought a random card that looked 'close enough', but that didn't work.
Got an XP pc from ebay for £40 in hope it would just plug in, connect monitors and away I go. Nope! the existing monitors had a non standard power supply. Back to ebay and managed to pick up two nice screens for a pretty good £37! These came, connected those and boom, xp running on the machine via two screens.
On to buttons, Slasher suggested an IPAC 2, so grabbed one of those. This turns a micro switch into a key board button as such. Only trouble is, the buttons on my machine were non standard again! So went back, ordered the wiring (was hoping to use the existing wires in the machine). These came today!
The button holes were 3mm too small so filed the holes to take my normal buttons. Connected it all up, loaded up mfme, changed the button shortcuts and......