Hi guys. I have a load of the early ROMS and Sounds for about 10 of the early Reflex machines (Alice in Underpant, Looking Glass, Paymaker etc) and everytime I load the proms up it comes up Reel 2 Error.
I have tried loading it on top of loads of different layouts, and added loads of reels incase they used a funny loom or something, but no avail.
I know personally that Reflex machine wiring is no different to Bellfruit (as i have changed plenty of tops from old bellfruits to new Reflex, and never had to change any wiring).
When the machine boots up, it starts moving the reel 2 slightly, before the reel initialises, but doesnt go any further.. Does anyone else know of any issues.
I have uploaded a zip of Wonderland for anyone to get their teeth into.
Thank you.