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silver supporter to fruit-emu


hi there just like to say how much this site has kept me going while ive been bored and talking to people and meeting great people so i thought id donate to the site £10 to keep the site going (sorry couldnt do £20 dont get paid till end of the month) but every penny counts keep up the hard work guys there been alot of progress since i signed up to this site and now look whats out!!! theres alot of time and creation goes into these machines and id like to thank everyone for been supportive and using your time to create these fantastic games..


thankyou guys



Barcrest deal or no deal and clones


would be really good if theses can be done crazy trails was my favouite

Desert Island Fruits - Never Say Never... ...again !




When I returned to this scene I NEVER wanted to do this again.


Hell no !  However like an inner rage that could not be stopped I saw something that ripped at my soul in more ways then the death of the insect that splattered against the windshield of my car yesterday.  This inner rage was from a layout that needed MORE effort, this was a layout of MINE !


Desert Island Fruits was not always a happy island and it was not always an island that did the right thing - I acknowledge that at times things went too far.


The ONE thing it did get right was it helped people improve layouts.


This coupled with the fact that I know how to use MFME pretty well, have made a couple of layouts and am probably going to give some more out as well, the question is - should we do this again ?


For domain fans - yes I have re-registered the domain - if only to keep it for myself anyway, but let's be honest we had some fun... ...and layouts improved !


The fact is, this time if the general mood is that it should come back looking at replies ( if any ), then it must be used as a tool for this.  I'll also include another section about another hobby of mine in there as well... ( HTC Vive )


To be clear, this will be a MAJOR RESET in what is done - do not expect everything to move across from the past.  The layout reviews, good, bad or ugly are fair game but the political stuff will remain on the backed up archive.


Finally as layout designers, you would get the chance to win these and more...








...I'll check back later to see if there has been any comments !

Most Daunting,King Kerching


Hello all,does anyone have the software for either of these machines? I don't have em in all the roms i have,just wondering if anyone else has em.

Getting your IP address into MFME correctly


Hi All,


I noticed that some people have had issues getting their IP address into MFME correctly in order to run the multiplayer machines.


To assist with this I have created a couple of batch files to automate that process.


As IP is handled slightly differently in Windows 7 than 8 and later there is a different file for each version in the .zip.


To get this to work you will need to:


Open the .zip file.

Drag the appropriate file to your desktop (Win 8 will also work in Win10).

Run it.


If you get an error from smartscreen, right click the file on your desktop, go to properties and click unblock then OK.


Once run the script will set your IP address correctly in MFME.




If your computer has more than 1 network connection then the script will pick the first from the list. Frankly if this is an issue then you're likely know how to add your IP yourself anyway.


You need to restart MFME if it was running when you ran the script.




These scripts are provided "as is". I accept no responsibility for any issues, damages or other losses as a result of you using these scripts on your PC. Please use them at your own risk.





Attached Files

Homers meltdown on MFME lithograph missing help

put Lo Tech and High Tech in different Folders On Here


just a quick suggestion what if they was a folder on here to have lo tech and hi tech into different folders so there not all muddled up on one page??

Name this machine :D


It was a three player multi-machine, to get up to the top game you would either get a red or blue streak, with mixed streaks available.


The top game was a wheel of fortune spinney wheel thing that would spin to a prize and the game experience felt similar to playing the three player big top circus arena or red blue and white (later stars and stripes) as I think it could've been made by the same company.


There was one in Bury amusements in Manchester next to the bus station around 2005?  





Lucky Strike Barcrest.


Hey everyone. Just wondering if anyone had the Lucky Strike - Barcrest Roms (MPU5) please. Need to start learning how to do a layout in MFME v5. 

Thank you

Do Reflex Machines work in MFME v5


Hi guys. I have a load of the early ROMS and Sounds for about 10 of the early Reflex machines (Alice in Underpant, Looking Glass, Paymaker etc) and everytime I load the proms up it comes up Reel 2 Error. 

I have tried loading it on top of loads of different layouts, and added loads of reels incase they used a funny loom or something, but no avail.

I know personally that Reflex machine wiring is no different to Bellfruit (as i have changed plenty of tops from old bellfruits to new Reflex, and never had to change any wiring). 

When the machine boots up, it starts moving the reel 2 slightly, before the reel initialises, but doesnt go any further.. Does anyone else know of any issues. 

I have uploaded a zip of Wonderland for anyone to get their teeth into.


Thank you.

Attached Files

Let me know of any missing scorp 4 or 5 sounds please


As mentioned. Please let me know of any missing sound roms you need via PM. and ill have a look very soon.

Missing Lithograph issue with MFME v5.x


For those experiencing this issue, install the following fonts I found and should be all sorted :)


Attached Files

elvis smash hits


hi guys


just wondering if this machine 


can be emulated at all?


would be great if it can :)

Attached Thumbnails

  • maxresdefault.jpg

Extreme gaming reels


Hi don't suppose anyone has any of these reel images from an extreme gaming machine please,can't find anything on line.


Attached Thumbnails

  • bit.png

Anyone doing these in DX?


Has anyone got any plans to make East and West wing, Lets Play DOND or Bellfruits Clown Around?

 I know deals aren't some peoples cup of tea but i would rather play them on emulator than in the wild lol.

Take The Piece


On its way, after it crashing and losing all the layout. so  had to do it again

Attached Thumbnails

  • take.png

Request Fun nudgeing criminals red gaming

A friend of mine is coming to stay on boxing day and would like to play this can it be done

Weird phone call...


My phone just rang today:


Me: "Hello"
Voice (male): "Hello, who's that?"
Me: "it's me, Daryl"
Voice: "Daryl? Who the hell are you?"
Me: "I ask that myself sometimes, but more to the point, you've rung me, so who the hell are you?"


Dial tone...  :bigeyes19:


(and he withheld his number too lol)

Original Dond "hidden" reel font Id


Hi just a quicky can anyone identify the Font used in the dond reel in his image, probably the same used on all dond's

Attached Thumbnails

  • dond casino.png
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