When I returned to this scene I NEVER wanted to do this again.
Hell no ! However like an inner rage that could not be stopped I saw something that ripped at my soul in more ways then the death of the insect that splattered against the windshield of my car yesterday. This inner rage was from a layout that needed MORE effort, this was a layout of MINE !
Desert Island Fruits was not always a happy island and it was not always an island that did the right thing - I acknowledge that at times things went too far.
The ONE thing it did get right was it helped people improve layouts.
This coupled with the fact that I know how to use MFME pretty well, have made a couple of layouts and am probably going to give some more out as well, the question is - should we do this again ?
For domain fans - yes I have re-registered the domain - if only to keep it for myself anyway, but let's be honest we had some fun... ...and layouts improved !
The fact is, this time if the general mood is that it should come back looking at replies ( if any ), then it must be used as a tool for this. I'll also include another section about another hobby of mine in there as well... ( HTC Vive )
To be clear, this will be a MAJOR RESET in what is done - do not expect everything to move across from the past. The layout reviews, good, bad or ugly are fair game but the political stuff will remain on the backed up archive.
Finally as layout designers, you would get the chance to win these and more...
...I'll check back later to see if there has been any comments !