Chuzzy kit bar x 7
Calamari Club £250.00 By Pook, Boxing Day Jackpot
So it finally happened, after ignoring hundreds of boards and trying to get higher wins on the win line, and trying to get past £40.00 on the gamble, which this machine clearly does not like doing, ignoring and gambling everything that was not the Jackpot...
In the end all it took was two treble yellow bars on reel 2 and 3, and two nudges on reel one for the other treble yellow bar = £25.00, Gambled to £40.00 with ease, then a miracle happened. I had a gamble that actually after nearly two and a half weeks or more of losing and never hitting the next prize of £100, it gambled to the hundred quid, then to £150.00 and then straight to the £250.
Always lost previously if I tried to gamble past £40.00, a really tight machine with all trails lit less the jackpot symbol, the board was always landing on a ? and always collect prize. I even let the machine timeout by itself for ages spinning the number wheel when the trails were full, to try and hit that +1 on any of the trails to light the jack pot but it never happened. You cannot exchange for a board after a £40.00 gamble, but the board is evidently crap.
This only took nearly 2 weeks or so of on and off play to drop!!!! But it's official. Calamari Club TIGHT BASTARD MACHINE...does in fact pay a jackpot in mfme 3.2. and here is the screen shot to prove it... Only took best part of of £1500 virtual quid clicking to get...ahem!!!
A good victory for a Boxing Day!!! Gotcha!!!
HELP please
Can anyone give me the key layout for the JPM emu I can't seem to suss them out thank you in advance kappa
Electrocoins Oxo Crazy Reels and Bar - X / Big 7
Just wondering what tech is Electrocoin, and why when Bar X, Big 7 etc is emulated by layout creators on this site, does it have to be using the select or open the box roms style play? We see them work in a layout of the original machines on this site for sure, but can Bar- X just be Bar - X without the select or open the box ROM running it? Just a thought... By the way there was a four player sit down of Oxo Crazy reels and 3 stand up version of Oxo Club recently on ebay for £500 each for the whole kits, both machines.....I could not buy it for obvious reasons. Cheers for your this post.. K.S.
RIP Lemmy Kilmister
Lemmy was a self confessed "Fruity addict" who also sang a few brill songs will a little known group called "Motorhead".
He got the name "lemmy" from his mates, when he ran out of money to play the fruit machines, he would ask his friends to "lemmy"(lend me) a pound and the name stuck.
I never met "Lemmy", but quite often buy my veg along side the lead guitarist "Phil Campbell".
So lets raise a glass tonight to a fellow Fruity lover who'll be up there playing the celestial fruit machine looking for three "ACE OF SPADES" on the win line while slugging a glass a whiskey.
Cheers Lemmy, thanks for the music.
bellfruit big breakfast 1280
hi down loaded the above machine of dxcellent and cant seem to get it to work on any version of mfme any help would be appreciated thanks
Happy New Year

youtube user
could somebody PM me with buddylove's username plz - as i wish to contact him.
Power Zone
Looking for Power Zone roms if anyone has them. Club machine..
Think machine was maded by Games Media
Questions/advice regarding online slots/games
Been hearing a lot of stories regarding online games and how good/bad they are and wandering if anyone could shed some light on the REAL truth behind these games and how they work, and are they just as bad or worse than FOBT'S?
Had a real up and down time with them lately and found myself 100's up a few weeks ago, but then 100's down on another day.
They say they are random, but how do they work exactly?
I'd imagine if you are playing a machine in an arcade, it's technically 1 machine and 1 percentage vs you and no-one else and eventually you WILL get a return in time.
But how does this work when 1000's of people are playing on same game as you all around the UK?
It's a bit like playing a 4 player community I suppose, anyone can get it, take your winnings but multiplied by 1000's of players.
Does this mean you could lose hundreds and still never guarantee a payout?
Seems like scary stuff, so thought I would ask the question, as I do enjoy it but it does seem very scary when you think about it, so thinking of giving it a miss forever from now on.................
Are they ok or stay well clear?
Bfm Galaxy (flashback/forcefive clone) on fleabay
Where its got ROMs etc could be OK emulation wise
fruit machines for sale
hello now open to offers on all these machines as new puppy on the way and i need nagging to stop from the wife lol.
all mcs in excellent condition rainbow riches murphys millions 25/501.00 £70jp , spin on it by impulse 25p £25jp and global phoenix nights 25p £25jp last two mc,s have £5 kits with them in norwich area pm for more details . looking around £75 ono deal for all 3
Egyptian Gold £25 1024Wdx
Thanks to Andy-1 for his classic and permission to dx the layout and to Pook for the flyer scan he upped in Andy's release.
The machine maybe a little fatter than the real thing as I thought it looked to anorexic on my mini layout and would've only taken up a small proportion of the space used also trimmed the base of the machine off. The flyer itself is still a tad grainy so may not be as crystal clear as we would like but at least it's dx'ed.
Looking at the flyer there looks like a lot of blue/red triangles to light n lamp so that should be fun. Anyways here's the artwork so far.
can anybody find a scarab image that looks like the one on the machine but clearer please. also may need the £15/25 font identified later on for the multi money reel bands
Build Man cave and new £1 coins
Hi all
I have 2 old classic fruit machines, but 2 Rainbow Riches £70 jackpot ones, I ideally would like to get all of the Rainbow Riches series / saga, which I think there are 7 in total (the analoge reel ones), does anyone have any idea that when the new £1 coins are released will the hoppers be OK?, I know the coin mechs will need updated and worried this will be quite expensive - any ideas any one,
Ive been offered Rainbow Riches - Dublin Yer Money for £210 with notey is that a good deal ?
Quick comp as well, what are the names of all the Rainbow Riches machine .. I'll start you with the 2 ive got
Rainbow Riches
Rainbow Riches - Murphys Millions.
Step N Skip Castle Revolution and Tensation
Was gonna start a discussion on an old 80's machine called step n skip £1.50 jp 2p stake, (Same era as Rat Race etc, but seen a thread on here which answered my question, and evidently caused a bit of controversial dispute on reading that particular thread.
But I wanted to ask anyone on here, Layout Creators and Coders alike, do they remember a machine by Castle called Tensation and or Revolution? You could exchange a 20p win for a chance to turn over all five cards correctly to win a whopping £4.00 in tokens....the classics from back in the day. There is no way I can supply a photo, but here is a video on you tube by fruit videos of Castle's Revolution in action, Tensation was more or less the same machine, in gameplay but just under a different name. Like Ace Chase and Rat Race if you catch my drift, Each had the potential if you was lucky enough, just like Action Cash and others to also pay a tenner in cash!! Some nice sounds and cool machine to play from back in the day. Let me know your thoughts fellow fruit-emu'ers
Here is the video from fruit videos, I did try and download the video and post it on here so that you would not have to load you tube, but I respect the sites restrictions that I may not upload this kind of file.
So you will just have to click the link to watch its:
Like the Rat Race and Ace Chase machines back in the day, this £4'er also has reverse start lol
So we all ready have loads of layouts on other emus, I am told by someone that in order to do a layout of Castle's Revolution that MFME V4 would possibly be needed which Wizzard was working on, but because 9.4 got leaked, it was never finished. So if we could start seeing some new layouts done on a new emulator namely v4 would this not stop the emulator's block and start exciting layout creators and coders alike. This would surely kill of some of the staleness and put some freshness back into fruit-emu? I would start helping with some of this but, I don't have a clue how to make layouts and have never had any help or been shown.....things seem quite stale, most replies to posts are......Oh your a moaning queen, or why don't you just shut up because it CANNOT BE EMULATED. Well if mfmev4 was finished, it would....possibly, maybe, in an ideal world get emulated........just a thought!!! like I said, I'm willing to help out!!!
Tensation Photo
Astra Party Slots Dongle needed
Would you still play em like the old days?
People all say todays machine's are shite, which they are agreed!! But what would happen if the industry did a U-turn and introduced the old skool machines in the arcades again. I mean same stake / same jackpot, same enjoyable machine's we All played when we first started out gambling the £4-£10jp era's.
My question is would you still play them like you used to as in collecting smaller wins or would you go for broke and force for jackpots. Would there be any point in the industry releasing the old stuff , or could they release the old slots with todays jackpot levels £25- £100jps what would they look/play like.