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David Bowie


Shocked this morning to hear of the death of someone who has had such an incredible influence in music over the course of my lifetime and for so many other generations.

Very sad news.



Multiple accounts = ban

Anyone intentionally setting up multiple accounts in order to bypass the free downloads limitations will be banned permanently.

Recent repeated incidences of this are now jeopardising the future of the current universal daily download limit that all site users currently enjoy.

Solutions are being investigated so hopefully that won't be necessary...

Vivid's Hop Idol £5 1024Wdx


Found the machine image over @jackpotty thanks to steelfix for uploading the machine photo.

Here's the ON image so far due to the image used it probably won't be as crystal clear as usual bit grainy in places.

But if it's somewhat readable it'll be another classic dx'ed. Will need to work out the feature reels for the £5 version as i'll be using jonnyafc's £25 classic for lamping positions etc. So I'm hoping there's a youtube video of this machine for help!

Attached Thumbnails


Happy Birthday Captain Haddock

All the besy captain, have a great day.

EAG 2016


a few pics and vides of the show this year, before and after setup. Gear arrived saturday, unpacked and eventually in place and plugged in for monday afternoon.




Attached Thumbnails

  • IMAG0775.jpg
  • IMAG0775.jpg
  • IMAG0776.jpg
  • IMAG0777.jpg
  • IMAG0778.jpg
  • IMAG0779.jpg
  • IMAG0781.jpg

MPU 5 - Vivid's Egyptian Gold £25/86% 1024Wdx


Posted Image


File Name: Vivid's Egyptian Gold £25/86% 1024Wdx

File Submitter: vectra666

File Submitted: 15 Jan 2016

File Category: MPU 5


Here's  a nice little or tall Lo-Tech by Vivid, Egyptian Gold.
    Thanks goto
 Hitthesix for the part started classic layout upped many months back,
 Andy-1 for his completed classic layout which I gained the lamping/reel positions from,
 Pook for the flyer he uploaded,
 Tommy C for help with re editing the reels to spin the correct way (may need help again for hop idol plz!)
 To the two playtesters Tommy and Ricardo D P.
 and Dad for upping his layout Roll Up for help with the feature reel bands
 and to anyone else I may have forgotten about lol.
This should give a decent run of streaks from the start as it's £600 in only £96 out and won't go below 15%
Plays in Mfme10.1 best!!
 Shortcuts are-
 Start = Spacebar
 AutoPlay = A
 Roll/Streak = R
 Holds = 1,2,3
 Cancel/Collect = `
 £££'s in = 0 
    If there's any requests for lappy res layouts or if anyone has any artwork/flyers that could be emulated please feel free to either start a topic requesting layouts or give us a PM, as my material is running low now.
                                                                               Enjoy And Happy Gaming!!!!!


Click here to download this file

Note Acceptor Problem


Has anybody any ideas on why the JCM note acceptor in my Enhanced Rio might have stopped working please?


It's been fine and then suddenly the lights on the front don't light up and it won't accept notes.


When I put it in test the lights illuminate and it accepts all notes correctly, but as soon as I close the door it's dead again.


Nothing on the machine has been changed and on switch on it initialises like it's always done, but once machine has finished booting.... nothing :(


Been messing with it for well over and hour but can't get any joy, there's no trapped or dodgy looking wires, so I really have no clue as to what's gone wrong.



Simulations - MLG Fruit Machine (Astra MLG TIME)


Posted Image


File Name: MLG Fruit Machine (Astra MLG TIME)

File Submitter: mazza500

File Submitted: 17 Dec 2015

File Category: Simulations


First of all I would love to say a shoutout to DannyDman9 for making the original Party Time simulation which you can find here
This is a MLG edit of his version which includes fully custom sounds and reel images related to the famous Faze and MLG. 
A lovely bit of fun! 
Instructions are included in the file. Works straight out of the box!
Thanks everyone!


Click here to download this file

red hot roll


hi guys im sure i once saw red hot roll on here and also the club version  but cant seem to find either now ??


Club monopoly money bags classic


Another one from mazooma, as per title.


set on £1 play with the jackpot@ £250 72%


can also be played multi stake 30p/50p.


door open only (unless I can fix it)

but it does play well enough.


should be ready in a couple of months(depending on any free time I have).

Attached Thumbnails


MPU 5 - Hop Idol(Vivid) £5 1024Wdx


Posted Image


File Name: Hop Idol(Vivid) £5 1024Wdx

File Submitter: vectra666

File Submitted: 21 Jan 2016

File Category: MPU 5


Next up is this layout Vivid's Hop Idol a "Atlantic/bottlebank" clone set on £5/10p 86%
                         the wdx may not be that clear due to the photo used.
 Thanks goto the image obtained from jackpotty uploaded by Steelfix1
 To Johnny Afc for his classic £25 layout of which I gained the lamping positions and base reels
Shortcuts are as follows-
 Start = Spacebar
Transfer = T
 Exchange = E
Holds = 1,2,3
 Cancel/Collect = `
Take cashpot = C
Take Shots = S
Vivid = V
££££'s in = 0.
            Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!!!
Next up now scrapping the bottom of the barrel but I found some more images from fleabay of a Layout I did ages back and was a controversial to say the least as it looked shit
the layout in question "Casino Crazy Fruits Red £25" Also found another image of viva rock vegas the £5 version fairly clear too.


Click here to download this file

Super MultiNudge - changing Jackpots ?




I have brought a Super MultiNudge to add to my collection of machines, 


Is there anyway I can change the jackpot, (it isn't here yet), but set on 10p play £10 jackpot - any ideas ?



Casino Crazy Fruits(Red)£5/£25 revisted.


Many moons ago I Re-did a Shit effort of this machine, been after images for a while to re-dx it and finally found some off Ebay so stuck em in the angled cab image that was also on there and here it is,

Now the questions??

 Does the shiny cabinet look ok especially the top part,

 Are the buttons angled ok.

 And finally the button on the images they are quite poor looking, does anybody have these buttons scanned I could borrow to overwrite the existing one with or is it possible I could nick em from an existing crazy fruits layout???  In the meantime i'll scour the net for any more images of said buttons.

 Also does anybody have a £4 and £5jp decal for a possible  £5 layout.


thanks in advance vectra666


Can't appear to add images either png's or jpegs maybe due to server change

Astra Rumpel Wildspins pc running slow


Hi iv just got hold of a 2011 Astra Rumpel Wildspins machine all works well but the pc is running very slow the music it playing fine but the picture doesn't catch up and is almost like a slide show any help welcome


Attached Thumbnails

  • IMG_09321.JPG
  • IMG_09331.JPG

Scorpion 4 - Casino Crazy Fruits (red) £25/30p 1024Wdx


Posted Image


File Name: Casino Crazy Fruits (red) £25/30p 1024Wdx

File Submitter: vectra666

File Submitted: 26 Jan 2016

File Category: Scorpion 4


Here is my 2nd attempt (hopefully a much better layout) of this machine the red version of the famous crazy fruit casino seen in bingo halls up n down the land, in my eyes a better version than the gold edition, which version was the first one??
  Anyways thanks goto The seller on Ebay who was flogging this machine last bidding was upto £175 but we can play it for freee.
 To tommy c for audio help.
 Shortcuts are as standard plays in the usual Mfme9.4/10.1
  Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!!


Click here to download this file

Scorpion 4 - Casino Crazy Fruits (Red Edition) £5/10p 1024Wdx


Posted Image


File Name: Casino Crazy Fruits (Red Edition) £5/10p 1024Wdx

File Submitter: vectra666

File Submitted: 26 Jan 2016

File Category: Scorpion 4


Here is the smaller £5 Jackpot/10pstake of Crazy Fruits Red, I tried altering the £25 version to £5jp but didn,t realise it has different roms to this version so don,t know if they play differently or not strange I didn,t pick this up on my first attempt back in 2012
Thanks again to the Ebay seller who produced hi res photo's for their auction also have viva rock vegas image @£5jp so could be a dx in the near future. 
       Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!!!
Any requests for lappy res layouts give us a Pm and i'll see what I can do.


Click here to download this file

Monopoly Full House


Recently i went on this took streak for 17 quid ... any ideas what the red feature pop the cork is on the 100 quid machine ?

Force Five


Can't find Force Five on the site, any help would be appreciated


Scorpion 4 - Casino Crazy Fruits Red £10/25p 1024Wdx


Posted Image


File Name: Casino Crazy Fruits Red £10/25p 1024Wdx

File Submitter: vectra666

File Submitted: 30 Jan 2016

File Category: Scorpion 4


Here we go again we're 'Mad for it!!!!'
 Whilst messing about with the jackpot/stake settings in the £5 version I uploaded a few days back I stumbled on this £10 setting, not one I recognise playing in the wild but completes all the jackpot levels found within the crazy fruit lo-tech series apart from the £70 version
so here it is give it a whirl let us know how it plays and whats the best streaks to be had from it!
 hopefully them two top lamps are correct now lol  plum = no.141   melon=  no.138 this applies for the £25 n £5 versions I uploaded too.
shortcuts are as standard.
    Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!


Click here to download this file

RIP Sir Terry Wogan

Just heard this stalwart of Radio 2 and Children in Need and his own chat show has died after a short battle with cancer.

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