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Happy birthday Hitthesix

Many happy returns to the legend that is hitthesix a genius in the layout creating world. Have a great day.

4k monitor question


ive just bought a samsung U28e590 4k monitor, and currently running it through my asus mars ROG gfx card, a dvi-hdmi cable on the gfx card to hdmi on the monitor and it works fine, or so i thought.


the resolution of 3840x2160 (is it?) is too high for the monitor so ive had to scale it down to 3686x2072 as i couldbr see around the edges like the task bar.



is this normal, did i do anything wrong ?



Prices For 2016 Fruit Machine Lighting - Source Leisure


Hey Guy's,

Hope Your All Having A Great 2016, Just A Quick Note To Let You Know We Have A New Supplier For Amusement Lighting (AMU-LITE) 

As From The End Of April We Will Be Supplying 
A New Range Of Fruit Machine Capless Wedge Bulbs & Including Coloured 10mm Bulbs 
That Our Previous Supplier Did Not Offer.

10mm Capless Wedge
100Pcs CLEAR 10mm 12V 1.2w - £9.99
100Pcs RED 10mm 12V 1.2w £13.99
100Pcs BLUE 10mm 12V 1.2w £13.99
100Pcs YELLOW 10mm 12V 1.2w £13.99
100Pcs GREEN 10mm 12V 1.2w £13.99

5mm Capless Wedge 
100Pcs CLEAR 5mm 12v 1.2w - £9.99
100Pcs RED 5mm 12v 1.2w - £12.99
100Pcs BLUE 5mm 12v 1.2w - £12.99
100Pcs YELLOW 5mm 12v 1.2w - £12.99
100Pcs GREEN 5mm 12v 1.2w - £12.99

All Prices Include FREE UK Standard Postage (3-5 Day)

Spend Over £50+ On Fruit Machine Lamps 
& We Will Provide A FREE A Resealable 6 Compartment Organizer/Case
Ideal For On The Go Or Just Safe Keeping

Bulk Purchases/Trade Purchases Welcome & Offers Will Follow

We Also Are Stocking A Wide Range Of Other Amusement Lighting 
From Florescent Tubes To Spot Light's & LED Alternatives.

Many Thanks Again,

Phil Buck


Maygay's Full Force dx £4.80?


Hi managed to get this old dx running again as the original download wasn,t accepting coins etc.

Was thinking of redoing this oldie maygay, but first is there any way the stake/jackpot can be changed to the £2.40cash/£4.80token 20p play if not is there any roms out there for this on them levels. If not I will reproduce the layout on its original layout setting @£2.40p 2p play as it could do with a v-tech makeover lol

Attached Thumbnails

  • Untitled.png

NV4 note validator query

Hello Sirs,
it´s a very long shot, but hope You maybe can help me?
I am an hobbyist from Finland, and lookin for some old stuff for ITL NV4 validator.
Would like to teach nev 5€&10€ notes manually, but my firmware is in version 2.76 where manual teach is disabled.
I have a USB-serial card.
Are You able to provide me a download source for NV4 manager program & NV4 firmware version below 2.60?
Would like to downgrade mine to get manual teach enabled.

Indiana Jones And The Holy Grail £70 JP


Hi, Just bought this for the house, Looks great but haven't had much of a chance to play as it need to find suitable corner to place it. Anyone any experience of this machine i.e good gameplay e.t.c 

Synthesis and fruit machines


Hey, I'm getting a Windows 8.1 computer with accessible software built-in directly from RNIB. What is synthesis in, for example, MPS and old M1A machines like in this version? I'm really missing the old XP, it really had its upwards times as well as its downtimes, EG, slowness at starting lol.

Hula Moolah Wdx Empire Games v2


hi has any one got a copy of the above game thanks download just downloads a blank layout thanks 


windows 10 split graphic issue


Hi all !!!


I am sure this has been covered already but i was unable to locate it


I have just purchased a new windows 10 laptop and when i run MFME 9.4 the display of the machine is split into 2 and i am unable to view the reels,does anyone know of a fix for this prob ????




Road Hog Club


Hi all,has anybody got the flyer of said machine please,would appreciate a copy if anyone has it,thanks.

What on earth...

Red Dwarf Fruity from Red Gaming




Did this ever pass test? Today is the first I have ever heard of it.
The article is dated Dec 2000. Would this be one of Reds first machines? Were they part of Barcrest Group back then?


Is there a history of Red anywhere on the net? When I googled i found this, but not much else


M1A - Maygay's Sudden Impact 5p play/£6Jp


Posted Image


File Name: Maygay's Sudden Impact 5p play/£6Jp

File Submitter: vectra666

File Submitted: 13 Feb 2016

File Category: M1A


Hi, i was originally re-doing FullForce but Hitthesix found out the layout wasn't using the correct roms(searchlight's) so instead i decided to do this classic maygay Sudden Impact cir1991 such gems as Searchlight, Spotlight, Neonlight and Fullforce even barcrest got in on the act with a simular machine Fast Forward another i'd like to redo if decent artwork was available!!
  Back to this layout i give thanks to i think it was spa whom i got the images from ages back which are placed within the fullforce cab image, 
 To Hitthesix for his classic layout and help with in the topics, and to mavroz for the reelbands i asked for ages back
The shortcuts are
Start = spacebar
Collect = C
Holds/Nudges = 1,2,3
Cancel = `
Hi = H
Lo = L
20p in = 9
£££'s in = 0
   Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!!


Click here to download this file

New £5 note technical information


may operators will read the list and weep -




Astro Systems GBA Not supporting – Replace with ST2

Astro Systems GBA2 Not supporting – Replace with ST2 Astro Systems HR1 Not supporting – Replace with ST2

Astro Systems ST2 Manufacturer update available

Innovative NV4 Not supporting – Replace with NV10 USB

Innovative NV7 Not supporting – Replace with NV9 USB Innovative NV8 Not supporting – Replace with NV10 USB Innovative NV9 Not supporting – Replace with NV9 USB

Innovative NV9 USB Manufacturer update available Innovative NV10 Not supporting – Replace with NV10 USB Innovative NV10 USB Manufacturer update available Innovative NV11 Manufacturer update available

Innovative NV200 Manufacturer update available JCM EBA 12/22 Not supporting – Replace with Taiko JCM EBA 32/34 Manufacturer update available

JCM Taiko Manufacturer update available

JCM WBA Not supporting – Replace with UBA or I-Pro

JCM UBA Update available – Awaiting spec

JCM Vega Update available – Awaiting spec

Crane PS Lumina Not supporting – Equivalent available

Crane PS Ardac 5 Not supporting – Replace with Ardac Elite

Crane PS Ardac Elite Manufacturer update available

Mars SC Series Manufacturer update available


Attached Thumbnails

  • image001.jpg

Changing machine to lower jackpot level!

Hi as you all know I've a £70 machine which is now on £35 due to me killing the other ROMs, of which I now have a fresh set again. Anyways back to the question in hand as said machine is currently on £35, in the manual it says if its on £5jp I need a float of 50x£1's and £20 worth of 10ps. As its for my own use would I still need 10ps or could I just collect level £1 if I do need 10ps where would I put them as there's only one coin hopper and a note hopper and lastly would I really need that many 10ps would a couple of Quid's worth be sufficient same as £1s would I really need 50.

Jpm casino crazy flyer required

Hi again I know its been emulated avfair few times but was thinking of doing a version in either the £15 or £5/8 jackpot but can't find a flyer within the galleries for this, does anybody have a flyer for this.
Cheers Vectra666

Rat Race VTP Meter Alarm


Hi, I have been having ago at the old school Rat Race and for some reason, after spinning 1 credit it keeps making a dreadful alarm sound and displays 'vtp meter' :realmad:  I have tried checking and un-checking long term meters but does not make any difference, I still get the same thing.  The funny thing is that it will play fine in test mode.  But I don't wanna cheat and nudge in infinite amounts of £1.50 rats and slow down win a gain and get £1.50 after £1.50, it is not as much fun......lol  So if any one knows how to fix my Ratty? I would be really grateful.  By the way the old win a gain cabinet by Tommy C is ace, loads of fun :)


Thanks from K.S.Screenshot (12).png

What's the most boring YouTube video(s) you've watched

We've all watched YouTube most videos are fairly entertaining but what's the most boring ones you've actually watched, did you end up watching them the whole way-through and thought, what a load of w#-k that was. Maybe you could upload the link so we can all be bored to tears lol.
My boring YouTube vids have to be them scratchcard vids like watching paint dry. Then the bloke wins £2 and says 'winner,winner chicken dinner' wtf!
What's yours?

Scorpion 4 - Spread Your Bet


Posted Image


File Name: Spread Your Bet

File Submitter: andy-1

File Submitted: 22 Feb 2016

File Category: Scorpion 4


Here is Spread Your Bet by Mazooma, set at 25 Play £15 Jackpot.
Unfortunately it doesn't have the correct sound roms. So compatible sounds were used. 
Thanks go to the play testers Tommy C and DAD.
Shortcuts are:
Start - Space Bar
Auto - A
Cancel/ Collect - C
Hold/ Nudge - 123
Spread Bet - S
Hope you enjoy.


Click here to download this file

AngryGrandpa Show - Youtube

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