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Golden keys

For vectra sorry it's took so long

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  • DSC_0086.JPG
  • DSC_0087.JPG

Maygay's Spot Light


next up thanks to D2onk from the mecca for uploading a few mobile phone photo's of a machine he's hoping to bring back to life, it's Spot Light another Searchlight clone. I've placed his images within the sudden impact cab (fullforce) I used earlier.

Does anybody have a spotty image very similar to the red spots on this machine I could use for background art.

Attached Thumbnails


M1A - Maygay's SpotLight 5p/£2.40Jp 1024Wdx


Posted Image


File Name: Maygay's SpotLight 5p/£2.40Jp 1024Wdx

File Submitter: vectra666

File Submitted: 27 Feb 2016

File Category: M1A


Next under the spotlight is another Maygay mid tech clone of the Searchlight series, this time It's Spotlight's turn afaik there's only one left to be emulated and thats Neon lights but that appears to be exact to this apart from the name.
Anyways back to this machine i give a BIG thanks to D2onk from over the mecca for uploading a few photo's of his machine via mobile phone so goes to show even mobile phone's can produce hi res images for us to use
 Incidentally he's selling due to a board problem so i thought if that fails at least its saved in the virtual world in all its colour n form.
 Thanks got to the original creator(s) of the classic version of this paticular jackpot level, Bugs and the various members way back whom gathered the roms etc.
 Now the layout....   PLEASE PLAY THIS IN MFME2.0 AS LAMPS GO ODD IN 3,2....
Shortcuts are
Start = Spacebar
Collect = C
Holds = 1,2,3
Cancel = `
Hi = H, Lo = L
20p = 9   £££'s   = 0
The £4.80 version i will add within the topic of this if i can get it to payout, meter probs atm!!!
As said before if there's any machines out there not emulated (pre 2003, ATM) take a few hi res snaps...
   ENJOY and HAPPY GAMING!!!!!! 


Click here to download this file

RIP Frank Kelly


Best know for the fantastic Father Jack Hackett in Father Ted.


Only one word left to say....







Project Amber 2 March Update


For those of you who do not frequent dadsFme forum here's an update. Those of you who do have an account there is a ~40 page thread on there about it.


Here's the bullet points...


Things are moving along again quite quickly, I hope to have a release of MPU4 / IMPACT in around 4 weeks which will be a 2D emulator in the style of Amber 1 but not slow and buggy. I can promise at minimum fast and buggy, and hopefully fast and stable :) .


The initial release will be DirectX11 but there are plans to backport to DirectX9 at a later date.


As soon as the initial release goes out and any major bugs fixed I will start work on adding MPU4 Plasma & MPU4 Video.


I hope to release a tech every 3/4 weeks, whether a new tech or an old one. Don't panic Epoch is on the list.


Here's some screenshots, I'll post more as release nears.

Attached Thumbnails

  • Coins.png
  • Meters.png
  • Setup.png

machine will shut down and restart after pressing start sometimes


machine is a Bell fruit DEAL OR NO DEAL 92 217 084   SCORPION 4


THE machine will start up and sometimes when you press play (start) button it will shut down and start up again 


and every time i get on/off ALM 48 




how to fx these two problems 



im new to this i brought the machine for me to play at home as im house bound due to cancer





Pink Panther sim


Has anyone still got this? 


if so could you please p.m me a copy.

as i did have it, but lost it when the p. c went tits up.


thanks in advance. :thumbs_up:

I'm back!


Hey guys, back after a long busy time. I've been out with carers all week having great times and having my musical friend over. Got a Fujitsu Lifebook laptop with Windows 10, works great. Starts in a flash too! I must also say RIP to the guy who wrote the early episodes of Corrination Street. Never seen them but my favourite character from now is Tracey Barlow. I love her tricks!

MPU 5 - Golden Keys £5/10p 1024Dx


Posted Image


File Name: Golden Keys £5/10p 1024Dx

File Submitter: vectra666

File Submitted: 05 Mar 2016

File Category: MPU 5


Next up as requested by Banditboy06 is this Barcrest machine Golden Keys set on £5jp/10p 88%
 Thanks goto Captain Haddock for his £5 classic layout of this from which I gained the lamp positions and reel bands which may of came from DAD's 25wdx so thanks to both!!
 To Banditboy for the images he sent me. Finally  to the youtube vid I found of this for final lamp identification.
The layout itself plays in MFME10.1 but the sounds are quiet so play in MFME9.9 for louder sounds (if you have that version!) don,t play in 9.4 as the reel look worse.
The collect and cancel both light the same as it may only use one button for both on the real machine where as the flyer shows them separate.
 Shortcuts are-
 Start = spacebar
 Autospin = A
 Key feature = K
 Holds = 1,2,3
 Cancel & Collect  = `
 £££'s in = 0
   Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!!


Click here to download this file

Birthday in the House...Liverpool2008


Many happy returns Lee.


Have a great evening out in Scouseland my friend.

Gaminator on MAME?


I've been trying all day to get gaminator slots on my PC.I've tried countless emulator without any luck,and even though i should have given up,there's a video of someone who got in to work on his cabinet.

My question is:how?

I get "sound unimplemented" error in Mame and i just can't figure it out.

Elvis red-hot roll,gold rush, super streak flyers/images required

Hello, my next idea's was to redo captain haddock's classics of these into dx form. I have a image of Elvis gold rush but it's not top notch although it could be usable it was originally a flyer as it has lines removed from it so there must be a flyer for these out there?
Does anybody have the flyers for these three or hi res clear photo images of them, If I use the flyer/image I have of gold rush I could do with a clearer image of the win table if not I could rewrite the plan.

Thanks in advance vectra666

famous fruit machine sounds


hey guys, I produce drum and bass music. i'm looking to include my love of fruities in a tune.

few things I need some help with. 


first and foremost what are YOUR favourite bandit sounds and the most well recognisable


secondly if anyone has any decent quality sound files to send me that would be awesome as it would save me a job of direct ripping them


looking forward to your replies as we could yak this one over for bloody weeks :D

10 years


this october i will have been a member here for 10 years. where has the time gone??? you guys are amazing for all that you do and i hope im writing here in another 10. good luck all. peace.

Project Amber online and delete Project Amber RAM


Hi everyone, I must say that so far I am best impressed with the quality of play in project amber.  The stereophonic sounds on my 2.1 system are incredible to say the least.  I was just wondering what the Project Amber online means, what it does?  I also wanted to ask, if you leave a game and then re-load the layout, do you get a game with a clear RAM each time?  Or is there a way to delete the RAM in Project Amber so if the machine has already paid, you can stand a better chance of payout with a fresh game each time you delete the RAM.   Anyway before I finish my waffle, I also wanted to commend Guitar for his excellent work with Project Amber and also to all those who have produced layouts for it.  They have killed a lot of boredom for me at times and I have had loads of fun playing the layouts, even the MFME versions Thanks K.S :radar:

frank n stein fruit machine help

Dunno if anyone can help ive just got my grandads old frank n stein fruit machine its been sitting in the shed for a few years turns on but just makes a loud alarm noise tried holding the button at the back it started to work then froze :/ the two middle reels dont seem to move when the machine is switched on im from the uk dunno who else to ask or call any ideas will be greatly appreciated even a manual would be a plus

Help! i need to find artwork thats disappeared on laptop?


Really pee'd off atm!!!

As some of you know I'm working on Elvis goldrush, well I completed both the OFF and ON artworks but when I came to save the ON art for the second time Photoshop crashed and wouldn,t save the image, when It eventually woke up it deleted the already saved (1st time) on art. Its not in the recycle bin, its disappeared is there any way I can retrieve this via the computer's merory as in backup or something. if so any help is much appreciated .

MPU 5 - Elvis Presley's Gold Rush (Barcrest) £5/10p 1024Wdx


Posted Image


File Name: Elvis Presley's Gold Rush (Barcrest) £5/10p 1024Wdx

File Submitter: vectra666

File Submitted: 19 Mar 2016

File Category: MPU 5


One for the money, Two for the show , Three get ready let's go, go go!!! Get your blue suede shoes on for this layout from me it's...
 Elvis Presley's GoldRush  set at £5/10p.
 I give thanks to Captain Haddock firstly for his £25 classic layout used for lamping no's, secondly for his input into this layout by providing images for me to use for the artwork and reelbands.
 To Tommy C for making the cash decals for me to light up.
The top light for the logo are not correct due to not finding them lol!!
  Shortcuts are-
 Start = spacebar,
 Transfer (NOT IN USE!!) = T,
 Autonudge = A,
 Holds = 1,2,3
 Cancel/Collect = `
 ££££'s in = 0
   PLAYS IN MFME'S 9.4/10.1 & 9.9
 If anybody has good enough images for the other two layouts of these, red hot roll and super streak then please share so we can complete the trilogy of these, I have some for red hot roll but aren,t clear enough Afaik!!!
  Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!! 


Click here to download this file

MS Office Problem.


Hi all,


Weird One here...I lost my MS Office key and can't be arsed with sorting it tbh.


Basically though I have some important stuff to do before tomorrow and I used my Open Office to write it.


I read-up that MS don't support .otd files so I exported it as a .pdf too.


Basically, anyone with MS Office....would you be kind enough to just check the test file I attached and see if you can decipher either of them.....pleaseeeee :)


Otherwise I need to go to work today :( and use the works Computer.


Thanks in advance.



Attached Files

Man Cave in development

My machines are in various places in my house at the moment, but got room for a row of 4 possibly 5 at the moment. We're getting a 10ft by 12 ft summerhouse to house these in eventually, how many machines do you think will fit in there - comfortably of course!!, and yes by the photos I do like the Rainbow Riches series, I will get them all (hopefully)

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  • KINDLE_CAMERA_1457038615000.jpg
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