with special thanks to the rom dumper stan marsh
these are scorpion 2 can somebody see if these run in mmfe
with special thanks to the rom dumper stan marsh
these are scorpion 2 can somebody see if these run in mmfe
Happy birthday mate, have a good one.
machine is a Bell fruit DEAL OR NO DEAL 92 217 084 SCORPION 4
i want to change my stake and jackpot From 10p play £5 jack poy
to a £1 play £70 jack pot but when i change key i get alarm go off with error code 91 can any one please help
ive just upgraded my motherboard and found that sometimes windows seemingly swaps button usage around - or freezes them until i press the middle button.
anybody else experienced this?
Any suggestions where I can upload 5gb of stuff (in 500mb files) for free please?
I was using Dropbox but I have used my 2gb quota up.
For info this is FME related
Thanks in advance
coming to a lappy near you soon, thanks to Ady for sending me this flyer.
I know its already available on 1600 format but can't play it due to laptop restrictions, not sure who actually made it if they come forward i'll thank em within the release notes as usual.
Ady has pointed out this flyer used isn't the usual hi res but a lower res one,but at least i'll be able to play it in it's whole form.
just read the topic title can a mod/admin alter the title to 1024wdx please, I know I make em small but not that small lol (postcard edition)
Many happy returns to Two really great guy's.
Have a brilliant day gent's.
Many happy returns.
Hi everyone
I hope this is in the right place - bit of a long shot but worth a try...
There was a fruity I was obsessed with back in the day, not sure when it was released but I'm guessing around 15 years ago. £5 jackpot (one I played was anyway),the feature board had 3 discs, silver gold and platinum, moving up each time you landed on the up arrow (i think). If you hit the top you got a super streak. The jackpot was a watermelon, cabbage or whatever it was(!!)
Does anyone know what it was called, and whether it's available on this site? I think it was a Jpemu machine.
I've gone through every rom/layout on this site and haven't seen/ noticed it as of yet ...
Also does anyone know where I can grab this?
I've tried and searched everywhere for answers to the above but haven't got anywhere.
Also like to say thanks to everyone for the awesome help available on this site,wouldn't have got these to work if it weren't for the articles available! Good stuff!
A bit late i know, but!!!! just in case anyone is thinking of treating themselves on ebay
as per title there is 20% off everything ( minimum purchase £20)
excludes p& p
code cuk20
File Name: Bfm's Take Note 1024Wdx £25/30p
File Submitter: vectra666
File Submitted: 02 Apr 2016
File Category: Scorpion 4
Following up from its big brother I re-did over 3yrs ago comes the Awp version Take Note.
Thanks goto Ady for sending me the flyer of this, to the original creator of the 1600wdx of which I gained the majority of the lamping positions and hi lo reel band.
And to the creators jafc and ploggy for the various reel symbols used of which some are amended.
Shortcuts are listed on the righthand side of the layout but here they are-
Start = spacebar
Exchange = E
Holds = 1,2,3
Hi =2 Lo = 3
Stop/Collect = S
Cancel = `
Take Cash stack = T
Nudges = N
Take Fiver Notes = X
Question ? feature = Q
£££'s in = 0
Plays in Mfme's 9.4 and above!!!
Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!!!
I was wondering if anyone could please help me out with a sound issue?
Whenever I play old school token machines i.e. Cash Counter, Line up, Flash Cash Etc...they always sound like the speaker has blown or there is a loose connection. I use mostly mfme v3.2 for them but the same applies if I use other emulators. I don't have a problem with my pc because all other games sound fine. Everything else with my sound hardware is good and works correctly, Could this be something to do with the sample rate or summit? It would be good if the sounds could play properly instead of fragmented.
Thanks K.S.
on old machines.
Many happy returns Ian.
Hope you have a great Birthday.
Thanks for all you do within FME too.
can anyone help me get the force 5 download by pook it seems that his site isn't there anymore so ime struggling to get hold of the files your help would be most grateful
I have the layout for Treasure Trail by Empire games. Does anyone have any ROM's for it please? Cheers as a cool game. Arrrr der Jim Ladd..... Shiver me spinners!!! and Splice er me Spin Yard!!!