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Scorpion 4 - Take Note (bfm) £5/10p 1024Wdx


Posted Image


File Name: Take Note (bfm) £5/10p 1024Wdx

File Submitter: vectra666

File Submitted: 07 Apr 2016

File Category: Scorpion 4


Here is the smaller jackpot version of the £25 one I did a few days back.
The same thanks goto the same members as the £25 version.
 Now onto this layout, it's 99% correct as some of you may notice there's no £2.60p decal of the cash ladder the reason for this is..
  I edited all the decals etc to make this £5 layout and resized the artwork and lit it all, basically I made the entire layout before I realised I "forgot" the £2.60 decal, I've just tried to re-edit the artwork but due to resizing twice the images are so blurry nowt can be done unfortunately to rectify it.
So what I've done is I've doubled the £2.40 lamp  so that it lights twice anyway there's only a 20 pence difference and doesn,t really affect the gameplay.
Shortcuts are listed on the righthand side of the layout!
Plays in Mfme 9.4 upwards
  Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!


Click here to download this file

Birthday in the house


Happy birthday goes out to Bruce George Have a great day!!!

Wanted Road Runner Barcrest layout and roms plz?


Hey! Does anyone have Barcrest's (dutch) Road Runner layout and ROMs? I want to do an MFME V 1.0 to 3.2 experiment with the sample sets as some are used in Road hog. Thanks a lot guys, I'd appreciate it if you gave me these ASAP. Might also run these in sound tool. Is Roadrunner just a Dutch version of Road hog? It's on the MFME list but I cannot find it anywhere!

Around the board in 40 days question


Hi guys I have been trying to get on the board on this fruitie but without success. Has anyone else noticed its a bit scrooge when it comes to lighting all three symbols?



lost all mfme games on HDD


hi does anyone have all the mfme games on a upload site as my hdd packed in and ive lost all the games ive downloaded on here is they anyone could help me with a file with the games please thanks

Birthday: johnnyafc


Happy 'Lithograph'... I mean birthday matey...


I bet you aren't Pepsi stacking today! :p\


Enjoy your day lad :) x


:beer:  :beer:  :beer:  :beer:  :beer:  :beer:

MPU 4 - Bank Raid Wdx

Barcrest's Classic 'Club £150/20p 1024Dx


It's got to the stage of a forthcoming topic,

found a youtube vid of this and was intrigued, a simple lo-tech'ish clubber that's got a pull handle and similarities to the Awp topstop with its chunky small cab and seven step to the features all four of em .

Used the cash counter photo cab I had and placed ady's flyer within also including the pull handle but I could remove it if it looks pants. dx image below is with text removed etc and the classic part as is including re made reel bands.

does anybody have the correct cashpot image for this, its supposed to look like a stack of gold/yellow coins with the wording "cashpot" in red.

Attached Thumbnails

  • Untitled1.png

Project Amber 2 April Update


Just getting this in place for later.


Let the wild speculation about my announcement begin.


Anyone in the Inner Circle.. Read This.


I have access to many different technology boards, eproms, burners, pic chips, sound proms and lots of other cool stuff. 


You only need shout and I can perhaps help ;) 


Call Me  :phone:  :phone:  :phone:  :phone:  :phone:  :phone:

What's your top three fruits you'd love to see on Amber 2?

With the newer Amber2 coming along and the great news of epoch (also like to thank dialatone for the massive input) and other Tech's eventually being added to guitars Amber emu.
What, given the choice would your three favourites be remember the techs guitar will be using so atm astra is out! Afaik.

Mine would be as we've already seen,
The Simpsons including duff beer guide.
Beaver Las vegas, I think it's called that.
And hopefully Bar-X.

MPU 4 - Barcrest's Classic Club £150/20p 1024Wdx


Posted Image


File Name: Barcrest's Classic Club £150/20p 1024Wdx

File Submitter: vectra666

File Submitted: 20 Apr 2016

File Category: MPU 4


Here's a oldie for ya probably one of the oldest club machines i've created so far. An old lo to mid tech clubber with a pull handle!! A basic clubber with only four features and a gamble of which i've managed to gamble to £50 so far!
Thanks goto-
Ady for the flyer he gave me,
No1 stoney for the linkage for the roms for me to try,
A Big thankyou to Hitthesix for getting the roms running correctly etc.
To Phil Doncaster's youtube video of this machine, which i watched a million times for reel orders, text identifying etc.
Now to the layout itself as you can see it has a pull handle, i tried to emulate the handle going down when pulled but it "Flickered" during attract mode so scrapped that plan but you can still press the handle and it works,
 The cashpot reserve seven segs At the moment they don't work whether its a rom issue or just me remains to be seen, if anyone can get em to work then please post the results via this topic or pm me.
  Afaik the notes on the cashpot are in order.  The cashpot symbol on the reels isn,t original, it's one i made up and it looks a near match to the original same goes for the single n double bars, again if the original images comes up i'll amend this layout.
                      Plays in Mfme 2.0-3.2 best!
Shortcuts are-
Start (green button) = spacebar,
Pull Handle (start) = P,
Holds = 1,2,3,4
Gamble/Stop = S
Collect = C
Cancel = `
£££'s in = 0
   Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!!


Click here to download this file

Water cooling question


Ive got a cosair water cooler fitted but wondered if it can be modded?


what i would like to do is remove the boring black pipe and insert a clear plastic tube filled with florescent red or green liquid. Furthermore add a water block, either in 5 1/4" bay or an upright tube style.


has anybody else tried this / is this possible ?? see the example with the green fluid and upright water block.




* note beause the corsair carbide air was designed to have the drive bays on end, is it possible to fit the water block in the drive bay?





Attached Thumbnails

  • IMAG0882.jpg
  • IMAG0883.jpg
  • test.jpg

Simulations - Bullion Bars 70

Simulations - Egyptian Gold Triple

Happy birthday, happy birthday, happy birthday

To Vectra, Paulgee and Curlywill. Hope you all have a fantastic day.


Mfme Cab


So a few months ago one of my video fruit machines broke! Well, it broke before that, fixed it and it went again so a plan was made. The issue was the gfx card, so bought a random card that looked 'close enough', but that didn't work.


Got an XP pc from ebay for £40 in hope it would just plug in, connect monitors and away I go. Nope! the existing monitors had a non standard power supply. Back to ebay and managed to pick up two nice screens for a pretty good £37! These came, connected those and boom, xp running on the machine via two screens.


On to buttons, Slasher suggested an IPAC 2, so grabbed one of those. This turns a micro switch into a key board button as such. Only trouble is, the buttons on my machine were non standard again! So went back, ordered the wiring (was hoping to use the existing wires in the machine). These came today!


The button holes were 3mm too small so filed the holes to take my normal buttons. Connected it all up, loaded up mfme, changed the button shortcuts and......





taste your eyes on these lot as this selection was there


and i was in shock with the jpm popeye as thats a one in a million find


the mega rare popeye
snake and ladders slide again [turned off]
cops and robbers qps 
2 pacman pluses qps
carribean cash qpa
viva espania
lucky strike   both bwb
haunted house orginal empire
haunted house  empire hopper version
baby take you pick
super breakout [turned off]
x5 tupennys 
deal um rebuild
pinball wizard

old amber help


hi guys ,im just having issues with old amber running great escape in offline mode ,i deleted it when guitar said hes going back to the drawing board at the time ,so it might be me a old fella having a brain fart ,GE is opening but no lights or reel movement,even no dot matrix jobbie,so any help will be splendid,please help me brothers   :notworthy:

May Bank Holiday ROF Deals


Hi All,


As some of you have been asking about the trial games I just wanted to let you all know that there is some massive discounts on ROF for the bank holiday weekend.


Gold Membership for just £5  ( £4 for members here )  that's a saving of £16 and will give you all the benefits of gold including the members area and discounts on ALL games of at least £5 each game ( no limit )


Also as a gold member many games are just £3.00*  until may 2nd 23:59 ( limit two per customer )  Please check the games you want are eligible before purchase of gold.



For full details or to take up any of these offers please contact  ROF directly using the email on site.


Or visit the ROF  Facebook Page here:   https://www.facebook.com/Reels-of-Fun-131728946893342/


Happy May Day to ALL :)



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