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Italian Job Maygay - Epoch - Amber 2


Hey Guys. 

Been working on this tonight as cash flow i cannot find sound roms for and pick yer pesos has funny crackly sound roms.

So this one seems to work A1.


Been busy and yes, i know i'm terrible at Dx's however i was getting a little bored of simpsons and thought id try a dabble with the layout creation.


Anyway im just doing the reels, so if anyone has the reel symbols or bands for this you would make my day.


Have a good one guys,


Attached Thumbnails

  • wip.png

system80 blank cab required for golden steppa emulation


Hi has anybody got a blank system80 cab I can "borrow" for a possible re-dx of golden steppa a 1981 machine, the cabinet itself would need to be gold in colour if possible. 

Pick Yer Pesos PDX - Impulse - Epoch


Hey guys. Just thought id share my other efforts for the day whilst I try and figure out how to load reel bands in amber haha.. Proving to be a bit of a mish, certainly not very straight forward at the mo lol. 


Anyways, its the effort of the day, and although most people wont like it, its a playable version of pick yer pesos, which is a personal favourite of mine, being the first real gambler i played down the pub and also the first fruit machine i ever saved up for and and purchased from a fruit machine company about 12 years ago. 


Although it is a Pseduo DX, in amber, as you may know, the lamp locations and sizes etc stay the same even if you change the on/off backgrounds, so when i better higher res flyer crops up from somewhere, (although these flyers have stupidly small machine photos on them, so not sure if its possible) Then i can just relight a better picture and make a dx, without wasting todays efforts. 


So anyway, Ive done the same again, got a photo and a vid.


Again, if anyone has the reel bands for this, would be appreciated.  (or even the same symbols from another machine) (dambusters, heaven n hell, wildfire etc.)


Cheers Guys. 

Attached Thumbnails

  • Shot014.png

Kings & Queens (Crystal) Layout?


is there a layout available for kings & queens club?

IMPACT glass scans


Do we have any glass scans for JPM Impact machines? Any machine will do, but one in the vogue cab would be preferable.

System 80 - Golden Steppa(Jpm) 1024Dx


Posted Image


File Name: Golden Steppa(Jpm) 1024Dx

File Submitter: vectra666

File Submitted: 01 Aug 2016

File Category: System 80


  Next up we Steppa back in time to what some would call the Golden era of fruit machines. A machine so old i was barely tall enough to reach the buttons let alone shove big fat 10p's into it, i was still being weaned on the 2p pushers when this came out.
The year was 1981 the year of the Cold winter (-28oC) and this classic Golden Steppa, requested by cashbox1 of which he's requested me do Superline/£4 next and maybe Silver Ghost if images arise!
 Thanks goto-
Superbank for the roms and hi quality images he uploaded back in 2008,
Compost Corner aka Zoltar for the classic used for lamping positions (what little there are lol)
And to Ploggy for the donated cab from top up of which i re-coloured gold'ish.
And to the contributor of the reel symbols probs one of the above.
 Shortcuts are-
Start = spacebar
Auto start = A
Nudges = 1,2,3
Nudge Up = `
Coins in-
50p's = 0
New 20p's = 9
Old Big 10p's =8
Tokens = T.
   Plays in Mfme's 2.0-3.2 
   Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!!!


Click here to download this file

happy birthday letmein


thanks for reminding us lol. but here's a birthday shout for you, hope you had a great day

Many happy returns dachshund

Vinyl, Phil Spector CD's

Cant upload the Italian Job Layout


Hey, Having trouble uploading the Italian Job 2 Layout. 


It keeps saying i dont have permission to upload this file type. (i Have even tried splitting the .rar files up to make them smaller but still no go

There is also no Amber 2 section yet (Obvioulsly, i wouldnt expect there to be.. until now ;) lol)

Im trying to upload a 82mb file, and the max is 64mb. This was because i didnt realise how to resize the machine whilst in editor mode. 

(Any chance an admin could upload it for me.) ;)







Italian Job 2 - Maygay - Epoch - Amber 2


Im sure you guys that have amber 2 have been playing Simpsons and casino crazy to death, and quite rightly so, as the Amber 2 pre-release has shown amazing potential to be an amazing emulator. 


So i come to you with an new layout. One of the First Publicly Released (user created) layouts :)


Here is Italian Job 2.




123 Hold, Hi/Lo Respectively 

4 Collect

5 Exchange

Space - Start

F Take Feat

C Take Cash

R Take Feat KO

E Take Cash KO

N Nudges


I cannot work out how to create the 7 seg, but plays such a small matter in the gameplay that i didnt think it would matter to release it with this flaw.


Thanks to Mavroz for the Reel Images, and ross for the Great Glass Picture





Superline DeLuxe £4 1024Wdx


This was Cashbox1's project but he's given it to me to make, not sure where the original images were from maybe superbank via the mecca i'm sure he'll correct me laters I realigned the glasses and added the £4 decals

Anyways here's the art so far and it will be using the roms from reelcrazy/ploggy's layout as they're practically identical in gameplay.

Attached Thumbnails


Picture Wanted


Need a decent picture of London Underground (doesn't have to be DX quality, only to see what it looks like) and reel symbols if anyone has them please.

MPS - Jpm Superline DeLuxe £4 1024Dx


Posted Image


File Name: Jpm Superline DeLuxe £4 1024Dx

File Submitter: vectra666

File Submitted: 06 Aug 2016

File Category: MPS


Next up is this old jpm classic a reel crazy clone and an update from the £3jp version..

 Superline the deluxe version, i suppose the deluxe is the newer £4 jp this came with i'm sure members will update us on than query!


 Now to the layout, (this part could confuse even myself!! lol)

  This was originally Cashbox1's idea to do this layout but he gave me the images he had to straighten the glasses up then left me to complete this layout so thanks to him for that,


Thanks also goto-

 Superbank for originally uploading the images then passing them onto ploggy for his £3 layout. for his reelcrazy layout i originally used for lamps, reels etc of which i was going to use the roms in this layout but....


 Then just today Jeeves kindly uploaded the original £4 deluxe roms from his original machine so its all complete.


Shortcuts are in a separate file but they are-


Start/Take it = spacebar

Feature stop = F

Gamble = G

Holds = 1,2,3

Nudge up = `

Cancel = C

Nudgematic (Autonudge) = A

Tokens in = 9

£££'s in = 0 


Plays in mfme 2.0-3.2


  Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!!


Click here to download this file

[Amber]Project Amber 2 v1.02


Posted Image


File Name: Project Amber 2 v1.02

File Submitter: Guitar

File Submitted: 07 Aug 2016

File Category: Project Amber


Here's a mildly upgraded version, nothing special but it fixes the LED segments for Italian Job (and all others hopefully).
It has a few extra edit tools but the play remains largely unchanged.
To move lamp centres with the mouse...
Click the required lamp (lamp will go white round the border), then hold ctrl key near to the lamp centre and you can move it.


Click here to download this file

Amber advice


Ok, this is just an idea i have come up with and decided to give it a try although i haven't a clue how lamping works in Amber yet or whether it will be possible.


What i am planning on doing is creating "Classic" layouts in MFME using it's design tools, screendumping the layout then using it in Amber.


See attached picture, will it be possible to lamp? Will it be playable?



Been a while! My 1000th post!


Hello to one and all.




I return to the forums after,what has been a very turbulent 3 months in my life.

I have been having tests and investigations into mouth cancer.

Thankfully all tests are clear and my bloods are normal too.

Final hurdle is Thurs when I will be having a biopsy. I just don't know if I get the results there and then.

The docs believe the ulcer in my mouth may be a result of stress. Which kind of makes sense as family wise,it has been a real

roller coaster of a year-certainly a year il never forget!!

Real glad to see the forum is still alive and buzzing with emulations :cute:  :cute: -I will get back to normal soon and start to download and play the slots again,I just have had little/no energy to do anything and have spent the last 10 weeks in doors!! :nah:

To those who know me on here and to those who I usually keep in touch with on a regular basis,I am sorry for my distance.

It has been a real rough ride the last few months but thankfully I am nearing normality again!!

Not the content I anticipated to have written for my 1000th post-if it is that lol.




will these four clubber machine roms run?


As you all know i'm shit at getting roms to run in any blank layout so I ask the experts, will these four below run

the two scorp4 clubbers bullseye and bankety bank come up with "payunit error" so maybe door open only like the awp version of bankety

the two mpu5 ones come up with a checksum error

CLUB colossus and  Get plastered both say     checksum error then prom3 < LP-3>


Also do we have roms for a £500 version of snakes and ladders and cash bazaar??

I ask as got flyer images of all of the above!!

Attached Files

Club Bankety Bank £250 1024Wdx


Coming soon, well maybe a few weeks time this clubber will now get the dx treatment thanks to richie100 via the Mecca for the flyer used.

Now the layout will be "door closed" thanks to hitthesix etc.

Reel bands will get a complete makeover also

Attached Thumbnails

  • club bankety bank WIP.png

Happy Birthday Pook.


Many happy returns Dave.


Have a great day mate.

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