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Fruit Machines, LIES! All of it!


Ive just been reading the "rainbow riches, community game" thread. and in one of the replys was a proper "frutie porky"


I quote  "ive heard some shit in my time, like press the buttons quickly so the computer doesnt have time to think," (execellent quote BTW NAILS)


So how many bullshit "real" fruit machines lies have we all herd at one time or another.....i will kick off with a couple to get the ball rolling.........


1. on maygay machines such as "great escape" etc...if you press the hold buttons in a certain sequance (cant remember the exact code but it was  somthing like, 3-1-2-1-2-3-2-3-1 then the "cancel" button (and possibly "start" as well?),.... i think? (im sure someone will correct me)) when pressing the sequance the machines lights would freeze for around 60 secs (in attract mode only, not whilst in credit) The "MYTH" was that this action would force the machine to go on a "run"...... RUBBISH!....total rot!!.. I used to be a fruit repair enginer and have owned my own arcade as well. I did ask a tech guy at Maygay during a phone call once, what the purpose of this Mode actually ment? and he told me it was for a ram dump of memory or somthing (for use when connected to M.I.D.A.S maybe?) But he may of made all of that up, so im not standing by his explanation. Anyway, it does not make the machine "run" in any form at all. Its all lies.


2. When winning a "Jackpot Repeat" feature, you must NEVER press the REPEAT button but let the feature "time out". by doing this, your chances of getting a repeat would be much higher than if you pressed the button. RUBBISH!


3. I ALWAYS WIN when I play Fruit Machines......I NEVER LOOSE. EVER!..........Lies, lies, lies!


4. EBAY Ebooks professing to have a "system" of beating the fruit machines! Make £500 per day, they say! RUBBISH. If your "system" is soooooo good and you can make £500 per day ...Then why are you selling your "system" to me, if you make so money?//.....£500 per day , they say!...... Double that if you go with your m8! :)

Company car question (tax and fuel tax etc)


ive done some research into a company car and to be honest i found it quite bewildering.





id like to consider a "BMW 1 Series 5 Door 118d SE" but for the life of me i couldnt understand the results. 

am i right ot assume that the car in question is 20% taxable ?



assume 40,000 miles per year at 45p per mile first 10,000 and 25p per mile thereafter.







I've almost fainted!


Was just reading about the Chuzzy kit, a post came up about Plaugi's super multinudge, never heard of this fruity or Chuzzy kits. Downloaded it from here, and it uses the same sounds as Bar X Magic 7 etc. How does super multinudge game work? If this sound is emulatable, how come electrocoin isn't? Also, my computer is Windows 7/10 as I have 2 laptops, and they run fine on these synthesized sounds unlike, for example, eachway nudger etc. Well, at least I've found a game I can play with electrocoin sounds at last! And with epoch on the go in Amber, I am so happy I can play classics like Italian Job and Simpsons when I'm not at the seaside! PS only a week to go until I go to Westen Super-mare! What machines do they have there?

Scorpion 4 - Qps/Mazooma Pink Panther £25 (mute'ish) 1024Wdx


Posted Image


File Name: Qps/Mazooma Pink Panther £25 (mute'ish) 1024Wdx

File Submitter: vectra666

File Submitted: 03 Sep 2016

File Category: Scorpion 4


Next up is this 4th anniversary release, Qps/Mazooma's Pink Panther set @£25/30p 86% Again like the classic before it, it is mute, well it has sounds but they're so jumbled up I've lowered the volume via test mode to 1Pc.
 Thanks goto-
Andy-1 for his classic(s) layouts
Riche100 for the flyer upload via the Mecca
Ploggy for reel bands- you may notice a slight out of line when you get the pink bars this is due to the bands slightly out.
Shortcuts are too many to list but are listed within a text file inside the layout file
  PLAY THIS IN MFME9.4 ONLY or it'll payout unit error17!!!
    Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!!


Click here to download this file

Android Market crystal maze fruit machine

Hi all

I was looking at fruit machines games in the play store and found crystal maze and cash lines the apps where made by midgeley games. Has any one here made it as it looks just like the layouts on here. Anyway they play really well not sure if they are running off true Romsey or not. You should have a look they are great I really hope the maker does some more

Altering from Tokens to Cash payouts on machines


I've found a few barcrest machines, lo techs like double 9's will switch to a £2.40 cash payout from the normal £4.80 (checkbox 7)

and bfm's chain reaction via checkbox 28

 but is there any way the other barcrests of this era can be changed with the adding of a checkbox, machines i'd like as

  £2/2.40 cash are the likes of cash counter and Take two plus others of this era as that's how I played them many moons back.

Mainly barcrest and bfm's feature/skill cash machines 

Many happy returns Nails


Happy birthday Gazza, hope you have a great day buddy.

Player 1, it's you, lets emulate Party Time...


Ok, so this is going to be a long term project, but I need to get started at some point.


The first issue with emulating party time is that it comes in about 25 different versions, across various techs, and this was around the time I stopped playing machines regularly, so I don't know much about which versions are out there.


Can anyone positively identify the tech used for the original Party Time?


This will be a long term project, I expect the basic tech to take around a year to complete, and the security on these could be damn hard to crack, but the sooner I get started the sooner I might see results.


So, first off, can anyone help identify the different versions and techs they run on?

new layot by yossi ohana - israel






what machine was.....


for the life of me i cant think what the name of the machine im thinking about is....all i can remember is it is a Bell Fruit,and it was a lo tech bingo hall granny button basher game.


cherries,bells,7`s and bars were the payouts and 3 nudges were dished out randomly and it played a zippy little tune for the J/P which i think was either£4.80 or $4.00


if anyone can put a name to it,that would be great,if its been emu`d and someone can point me in its direction,that would be even better :D







Happy Birthday todd1970


Many happy returns John, hope you have a great day buddy :)

If i had a bigger screened laptop would it make a difference creation wise?


Hi just a quicky I was thinking of getting a 17" HP AMD A6 8GB 1TB laptop how much difference would it make layout wise, I mean would I be able to produce 1280 or above sized layouts?? or is it only an inch difference to what I already have?

Talk Of A New Mfme Release

Over on the mpu mecca,couldn't believe my eyes when i read it.

Trailspin mpu3 clubber


Should be ready in a week or so.

set on 10p with the jackpot @ £100

Attached Thumbnails

  • TRAIL SPIN W-I-P.jpg

Fruit Forums


Is Fruit Forums still going? Not working on my old link I have for it! 

Many happy returns pauldot


Okies I see you haven't logged-in since March Paul.


But as this is the only media I have of wishing you a happy-birthday !


Still remember the Cuppa we had at your gaff on my way home from wherever it was as you was en-route from a buy for the scene....reel band's I think it was?


I hope you log-in mate and see this just so you can see you are still remembered bud.








I'd just like to say a big thank you to Ron for helping me with my chuzzy kit.
What a top bloke. 👍

Can you dig it?

Saying hopper error code 84 does anyone know what this means?

What is VTP


I know this has been asked before. im guessing value of total plays, and RTP is return to player?


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