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Four More WDX



Thought it best to get this one out before it gets lost in the excitement of the upcoming release of MFMEv5. Thanks to stevedude2 for the classic, richie100 for the flyer, also Ploggy for tech help & testing.

Exciting times ahead in FME, there hasn't been a buzz around the scene like this for a very long time. Let's hope this time everyone's that little bit older and wiser and the scene is in a better place to move forward.

Typical 'British' weather...


Is the outlook 'cloudy'?  :bigeyes19: lol


'British' weather.jpg

Concept kit

Hi guys does anyone have or know we're I can get hold of a concept kit for my electrocoin bar X 7 with the settings 10 25 35 wins also does anyone know much about them kind regards gav

Pub machine revenue halved since 2000

I read today page21 in the sun newspaper that players are snubbing pub fruits in favour of fobts as basically because of this revenues have halved since 2000.
So what do they intend to burn this trend I hear you ask??
They (bacta) want to put up the stake and prize ratio to £2 s spin and £150jp!!!
Yes I'm sure that'll work, not!!
Can't they figure it out that since the end of playable, entertaining £25 jps in pubs and the introduction of £100/£1 fruits people or should I say casual punters just don't and can't afford to throw their change into a bottomless pit.
Where as fobts will always make loads due to em being in a major gambling environment and at upto £100 a pop are easy money for the bookies

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MPU 3 - Trail spin club


Posted Image


File Name: Trail spin club

File Submitter: hitthesix

File Submitted: 21 Sep 2016

File Category: MPU 3


May as well got shot of this one, set on 10p with the jackpot @ £100
runs best in v2  v2.1
as the text goes off in 3.2.
thanks to the emu creator, rom provider, ploggy for the images
slasher for the font, and the play testers  dad, superbank , and £6 in tokens.
usual shortcuts apply         and  A  for cancel, as for some reason using the tilde key, the reels spin.


Click here to download this file

The Fme Spark . . . .


Yep. . . . its back.

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Not banned but can't download anything?


Hi, I am unable to download DOND Break the Bank. It says "Sorry! You don't have permition for that!, but I know I have not exceeded any quotas as I have been away for a week at Weston. I enjoyed the week apart from that Homer had a real meltdown as it hated £1 coins and ejected them! However, I won £5 on coinworld's bare streak. I recognise the sounds from Gavin and Stacey in Nessa's slots if any of you have seen this. Great memories! However, I would like to know what my problem is and how to resolve it?

Happy birthday NQ


Happy birthday bud - have a great day :)

New five pound note

Rio cabinet note acceptor.

Hi guys iv got a rainbow riches 500 Rio cabinet but ever sins iv had the machine the note acceptor doesn't work. Iv fitted note acceptors to machines before but it's simply the fact I don't know what to do with this one. Part of me is thinking it's broke. It won't take notes but say you put the end of a knife into it it will reject it. Any ideas guys I know some of you on here are good with this type of machine. Thanks in advance.

MAME deal or no deal


easy guys/gals, i was just wondering seeing as we have the mame version of dond break the bank, Does this mean the other versions will follow? hours of fun playing the machines on here instaed of using real money, thank you all so much DJ Pure UK/Ryan Shaw :)

MPU 5 - Barcrest: Hyper Viper 1080p WDX


File Name: Barcrest: Hyper Viper 1080p WDX

File Submitter: ross

File Submitted: 26 Sep 2016

File Category: MPU 5






With thanks to Jafc for the classic.
if you are getting sound issues you will need to tweak the speed of the emulation until you find the correct speed for your machine. (mine plays pretty well between 38000-55000)
Until the next one :)





Click here to download this file

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PROCONN - Project coin's jackpot 7's 1280 dx


Posted Image


File Name: Project coin's jackpot 7's 1280 dx

File Submitter: hitthesix

File Submitted: 29 Sep 2016

File Category: PROCONN


Thanks to the emu creators/coders, and to dave aka mr p for the roms.
set on 20p with the jackpot @ £4.80   all cash
usual shortcuts apply and runs best in v 3.2


Click here to download this file

Mame dond

Hi guys I keep hearing about a mame emulator and it plays a dond can someone please tell me where I can find it. I have done a search but can't find anything


Birthday in the house cashbox 1


Happy birthday  bry, ya old chunt, have a good one.

Group buying resources/ resources fund


What is the current resource fund we (the scene) have currently? i have been seeing many epoch machines come up on ebay for pennies:




http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Manic-Miner-fruit-gambling-machine-not-working-/302086000554?hash=item4655ba8faa:g:4SAAAOSwLnBX53mT(might go for what £40~)



if anyone is up for it maybe we should start talking about getting a fund together along with people designated for tasks they are willing / capable of doing (scanning/rom dumping/ photos/selling the machine on to recoup some funds back to the pot etc)


im willing to throw in the first £150 to get the ball rolling, obviously this will take some planning / discussing but what do you think, is this something we could do?


(on a side note this isn't a fund just for epoch machines, that was just an example)

Epoch Roms


just inquiring, does anybody know if any of the roms killcrazy had were saved for us lot to use or did he keep them all for his own use.

After 25carot gold i had found the sound parts but no roms as of yet!

Also when this new mfme comes out what does everyone plan on starting layout wise??

mine is 25 carot gold as its a simple one to start with as i'm simple lol. 

Resources?? can anybody get hold of astra's celebration hi res images or a flyer please as that would be another to do.

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Mk5 Rio re image hard drive

Hi guys anybody doing this for the older Rio mk5 PC, old ide 40gb drives for a standard rainbow riches
Thanks in advance

Flyers on ebay

Barcrest's club razzle dazzle


Set on 50p with the jackpot at £250.


should be ready in a couple of months.

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