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quick question from me folks,im having a weird issue with mpu3 layout. the layouts boot perfectly and run in attract mode as they should,but put a coin in and bang.... VTP meter alarm error pops up on the alpha display.this happens no matter what version of mfme (5.0  included)  the only 2 that DO work are toddy and pook`s version of razzle dazzle... any ideas please, i havent a clue what this means and would appreciate a heads up





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Astra's ring a bell classic


as per title set on 20p with the jackpot@ a tenner


should be ready by the weekend all going well


hts and spa

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2 separate screens

Hi does anyone know how to play a machine with 2 separate screens ? One screen for the bottom half of the machines bottom glass then the other screen for the top half of the glass ? Would really help if anyone knows anything

mfme 5


hi guys loving the new emu but tried to install on another laptop and got this error xaudio2 initialisation failed ensure that directx jun 2010 is installed 

just had fibre fitted


hi there just had fibre fitted to my house which im getting 250mbps download and 30mbps upload but on my laptop its only receiving 50mbps download and 30mbps upload does anyone know a fix to sort this problem out



partytime player


hi guys


loving all the hard work people putting in to making all the new games 


my quistion is does anyone know if astra partytime player can be emulated at all?


i am asuming the 3 player version may be a no go 


many thanks :)

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New Maygay (2005) for MFME 5?


Hi folks just wondering if any newer maygay games can be emulated?


please let me know ASAP





Adder 5 - Goldmine


Coming sometime, quite easy as half the board is a video ;)

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reno casino


anyone ever heard or see the game reno casino?

if so would love to be able to play it again


IP Torrents


Hi again y'all , back to annoy youse with another question .. anyone use iptorrents site , i know its been blocked by ISP's , but there is a way round it by using .me instead of .com , 


Every time i try and access it though i get this error message and cant get on to it...anyone esle having the same problem , is there a fix for it ..



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First time back after years away


Afternoon all,


Nobody will probably remember me (i never really made any contribution other than shite crack), but years ago I used to visit this site numerous times on a daily basis. Wow can I say its changed.


Firstly Deal or No Deal has finally made it hear, which was the most constant asked question.


Great to see the scene is still going strong and I will be back later to try out some new machines.


Keep up the great work guys!

Future site software upgrade


At some point, in the near future, we are going to have to upgrade the site forum software to the latest version of IP.Board.


Although I have put this off for as long as possible, it's now impossible to fix some of the bugs and important features of the current software, as the publishers no longer support this version.


The new version is a complete ground upwards rewrite, this is good in many ways as this current version is now very much out of date, and a rewrite was well overdue. Unfortunately it does mean that any third party modifications and additions will stop working. This will impact upon the appearance and functionality of the site, at least in the short term. It may be possible to reinstate some of the features in the future, but this cannot be guaranteed.


Rest assured that all forum content, downloads, subscriptions and other essential data and content will be transferred over.


More information to follow.

Help With Using This Site


Hey I'm new to this website and haven't a clue how to download or play the fruit machine emulators, I am willing to pay the membership I just need help getting started, If anybody could help it would be appreciated, Thanks :)

Ronnie O'Sulivans Tornament Snooker Club


Another one



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low volume


Hey guys and gals! Is there any way of turning the volume up on the mazooma Golden game and its clones? They seem very quiet and i was wondering if it was possible to do it via the emulator? Apologies in advance is this has already been answered some where else. :)

Forum Clock

Just seeing if anyone else is having same problem. The time is 9.02 pm but the recent post says posted at 9.25 pm.

Download limit issues for badged members


Alex, not sure if it's better if individual members contact you direct or if it be better if they make themselves known in the thread, but I am certainly having a bit of an issue with download limits.

I maybe able to get 2 downloads, then I get a limitation notice asking me to upgrade my membership, yet I am already on Gold status, and it seams others are having a similar issue.

Any ideas?

Template Layout


Has any one got that template layout file to use with a new ROM for MFME5?


If so, could you please post it here.


Thank you.

Help please getting roms running in a new layout


Hi all as you may or may not know i'm useless at getting roms running in a blank.file to start creating so need a bit of help.

Can anyone place these 25carot roms into a fml'file and get them running please,. As you can see i've tried by using the simpsons and a blank file loaded all the roms, maybe too many including the sounds. the reels judder then it alarms!!

. Also can someone create some blank fml.files for each tech so we,ve got them for future usage


thanks in advance Vectra666

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mfme v5 meter problem


hi there sometime when i load mfme the meters at the top in and out the out one isnt there for some reason dont know its because the programme isnt wide enough or there just a little glitch??



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