xaudio 2 error mfme 5
Layout standards / tips / checklist
Hi All,
Just thought with all the new layouts being released and some negative comments being made that I would post some pointers that hopefully will help layout designers avoid getting these minor negative comments and improve overall layout standards.
While I appreciate that a designer can make a layout anyway they wish it is my opinion that there should be some basic layout standards that I and others would expect to be done.
While the following list isn't exhaustive if you can answer "yes" to the following I feel you wont go far wrong, after all people are expecting to run your layout out the box etc.
What Lo tech Would You love For MFME V5
what lo tech would you guys like to be on mfme v5
my list
Bullion Bars 3 player
Partytime 3 player Partytime celebration is ace )
bar x 7
magic 10
concept game bar x gold
big 7
The new £1 coin
Had a good look about the forum to see if anyone had talked about this, and was surprised it wasn't brought up.
In case you didn't know, the new £1 is released new March 2017.
Going to be an interesting 6 months transfer time as the coins are different, even in size. So for those companies with mechs, like vending machine, car parks, trolleys, its going to be a costly switch.
But of course, will affect the Gaming sites across the UK. The question is, does it fit in the current coin hoppers?? I know the coin mechs will require and update, but those 6 months, in arcades for example, I was wondering how it was going to work as both coins are in play.
anyone have any info here?
site here if you've not yet seen it http://www.royalmint.com/newonepoundcoin
Clockwork oranges club
I'm looking for romsets for these SWP (export): deal or no deal.
If anyone has them, or knows how to get them, give me a shout :-)
Its been a while since i done a DX
Found a decent image of DOND Gold and thought id give it a shot
hopefully have it done in the next couple days or so
Heres what i got so far
Attached Files
Grand golden game flyer
Hi does any one have any decent images for grand golden game 3 player. With MFME 5 being released Ive managed to get this running so would like something to DX if possible, otherwise I'll have to make a classic for now. Many thanks
Hot Rocks Barcrest £25 Jackpot
Birthdays in the house
Robinhood75 and Ross
Have a great day guys!
Bfm's Crown Jewels £25 scorp5 flyer required
hi i have the flyer from here but does anybody have a hi res/clearer one or images please as making a start on this layout, one thing is i can't link up the notey acceptor i used a scorp5 dond layout as a starter layout (deleting lamps etc) but only got £125 in hopper
Bfm chav it
Cool Jewels Bell Fruit £25 Dx WIP
I'm just about to start work on this after doing a flyer tidy
Thanks again Samson81 for the scan of the flyer
I'm having issues with the Hot Rocks layout I'm doing so while I'm waiting to see if it can be fixed I thought I would start this
I loved playing this game in the wild it had a really fun feature board and I always found it to play a fair game
here is a screen shot I will upload the lamping tonight
Bfm's Crown Jewels £25
how to make machine faster on mfme v5?
does anyone know how to make machine faster on mfme v5?
MFME v5 partytime
hi there just playing partytime on mfme v5 ive put over £500 in player 3 and it only ever goes up once it doesnt go back up like partytime out in the wild i dont know if thats a problem or isnt a fix?
Is this normal?
I just loaded up two games which I had accidently downloaded twice although the folder names was slightly different. I have played one way more than the other but decided to see if there was any differences between the two layouts. So I loaded up bonkers DX red in one emu then loaded up the second folder, put a fiver in each and then this happened. Both game played exactly the same giving every spin the exact same result and every question gave the same result too. Is that normal or is this something to do with how the emu is set up. In one slot i had put in well over £120 and the other just £15.00
Just find it very very odd. After a few quid of playing them they started to go there own ways but still very odd lol.
Impulse Wipe Out
Hey,does anyone have a flyer or any decent photo's of this machine,got it up and running and just need some art otherwise it's gonna be a classic.
Many happy returns stanmarsh14
Have a great Birthday Mark.
Many happy returns