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Scorpion 4 - Mazooma: Club Coronation Street 25p/£250


Posted Image


File Name: Mazooma: Club Coronation Street 25p/£250

File Submitter: Johnnyafc

File Submitted: 09 Dec 2016

File Category: Scorpion 4


Mazooma: Club Coronation Street 25p/£250
Keys are in the Notes Section
Thanks to Vectra666, Hithesix, NQ & Wizard


Click here to download this file

What type of fruit machine emulation do you play the most?

As the title suggests what do you like playing emulation wise the most? Now we have newer Tech's to play with.
Do you prefer the simple lo techs where a jackpots fairly easy?
Or the dull Donds where you'd normally force em all the time, unless you play them differently and go for features
Or maybe slog it out and try for a club jackpot or three.
And finally maybe the old skool fruits where the fun fir me never stops.

Me personally enjoy the lo techs for that's what I play now if I gamble particularly the Astra's
Very rarely fire up the £70 hi Tech's as I feel there's not much playability in them, but I could be wrong.
If I have a dabble with the clubbers I usually tend to play till a feature then cash out.

Older machines Well as said they're great fun but may not rock everyone's boat.

{Link} Subbuteo

Epoch - Hurricane


Does Russ 'Bitchy 14 YO Girls Thread' still have this or is he still Chavin in his Mondy ;)

Attached Thumbnails

  • hur.png

Project Amber


I am in need of help as I cant get project Amber to run on my windows 10 x64 desktop it keeps freezing when i click offline play when i click settings it goes black and stays that way probably me being a complete dumb ass but any advice would be gladly welcome thanks to anyone helping this is Project Amber 2 by the way sorry forgot to say

MFME 5 sound


Some of the machines I have tried the sound is very low is there a way to increase the sound if so how?


{Link} Red Rose

Cold and Flu


Just been asked by a mate over the phone, have you just woke up.


Well I hadn't, I've been up hours, but had a damn cold/flu bug since last Monday.


Anyone else been suffering, might make me feel a bit better, you know safety in numbers and all that.  :mad:

Happy Christmas All

Making videos For New Releases on youtube


hi guys cant remember if ive put a post about this but every new release what gets done on here or dadsfme or mpu i will make a video for youtube to get the site out there more people more support how i see it lets see if we can reach the £200 donation mark to keep the site up and running 




this is my youtube account if you could subscribe and share it if you can to show what things are getting released...


many thanks.

they want locking up....

Wip - Impulse Dambuster


Another i am creating...


Impulse Dambuster 25p/£25


Took an age up to now to create the bands.  15.gif



any one remember seeing this fruity?




does anyone remember this game?...they used to have it in my local arcade


IP conflict help


hi folks,got a bit of a puzzler...cant get any of the 3 player new layouts for v5.0 to work.getting the no comms to master error.

ive done as instructed,but still the problem is there. i dont have a broadband connection at the mo,so am tethering from  my 5s. was wondering if the fact im using the phone is part of the prob? sorry if it seems a dumb request,but any help gladly appreciated as always ( my ipv4 starts 172.)



Google Chrome lock ups.


Anyone else experiencing frequent lock ups with Chrome, I seem to remember it doing this last year as well at some point. Lasted for a few weeks, then an update to chrome and/or shockwave finally stopped it.


Basically it looks like the shockwave plugin keeps failing. Had the FME sites lock up, as well as videos freeze with sound still playing on youtube videos and just generally receiving kill or wait messages from chrome after the page has frozen for sometime.


Last time, I had to revert to Edge or I.E.


I don't wish to switch to Firefox or Opera or anything else, just making sure it's not just me though.

coin mech update problems


​hi there all help would be much appreciated , here we go ,i have a pacman power up £70 jackpot running on mpu6 ,the coin mech is a money controls sr5e my original coin mech worked fine all coins exsept new 5p new 10p also new £1 ,when on getting it back got alarm 10/70 coin jamm or faulty ,with a message pop up on the alpha screen coin postion 1-9,so going through the guy who programmed it went through every thing it could be ,so to rule out a problem with the machine ,i purchased another coin mech off him sr5e and the same happened alarm 10/70 coin postion ,left it for a week ,put it on free play ,then a coin mech came up cheap on a auction site that had not been updated ,put the mech in ,set the key and it worked 100% apart from taking the new 5p ,it takes the new 10p dont know about the new £1 as there not out,could i say that the way the other coin mechs have been programmed are wrong ,or if any one else has had any problem like this before cheers ,so now i have 2 updated coin mechs sr5e that dont work and 1 coin mech that works but dont know if its been updated to take the new poin coin ,if any one got a spare £1 test coin happy to pay for postage to be sent and would return it asap after testing ,or just could wait till they roll out in march 2017 ,if any one knows any good people that could maybe give me other coin mech a update to see if its just how its updated thank you .

ram problem


when I play a fruit machine I like to clear the ram 1st,but when I do this on certain machnes I am getting a lot of errors i.e   hopper np a3?

Font identification #42


Anyone able to identify what font this is?  Number reel for Global's Club Storm Force



max a million


hi guys who can remember max a million and has it been emulated?

Thats Magic Red Gaming


Good afternoon


Does anyone have the flyer of That's Magic by Red Gaming I have a copy of it but its not as clear as it could be and I would like to start a Dx of this machine now Hypalinx is being tested



Many Thanks



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