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The Next Level £70 bell fruit

Really loved this deal or no Deal it's a four real like deal or no Deal live are the roms there



is there a video or could some1 do a video tutorial on how to install mfme5 please ........ HELP

{Link} DOND - Casino Twin Screen

Funny Money Roms need help running them


Hi was going to have a go at making this machine, placed the roms within a impulse layout "spin on it"( then i normally delete everything and start again)

but the reels judder and the alpha display shows little signs of life with greek letters and a error 2.1 can someone load em into a layout and get em running please if possible


if runnable i have images from spa's drive but the images have no buttons so will be blagging more images of the bottom button section if anybodies got any

Attached Files

DVD ripping/conversion


Anyone able to recommend some software to rip & convert a DVD to MP4 for Android?


I've used Handbrake in the past however a lot of the discs i've tried tonight won't work with it, reading up it's due to copy protection on the discs.


Any help is appreciated.

Hardware Advice - Windows Tablet - FruitTastic




i've been lurking in the MPU scene for a while, and to be honest in the 10 years or so, I'd thought it had died a slow death :(


Many years ago I had my PC and even a HP TC1100 and the EMU (of the time) trying to recreate the gambler 'buzz' without the risk!


ahh memories..... :cute:


Anyway, MFME 5! WTF! - didnt expect that! (but thanks to all those that made it happen!)


So, fast forward 5+ years and we now have cheap windows tablets flooded the market with full touch screens ready to give me that 'buzz' I was after all those years ago!


Soooo.......its time for some new kit - what do you guys use or suggest I get?


Im thinking a small (7, 8 or maybe a 10") tablet (Linx?) that is just for the fruities, nothing more! - Do I need 1080p? I'd need a 64GB SD minimum for sure (I purchased the roms last year - maybe worth a new set?)


What would you buy? Whats the best deal atm? Should I just grow up?












"Invalid stream format"


Downloaded the following games but they wont open and I keep getting an invalid stream format error message:


Fairground (Crysal)

Sunburst BWB


Bullion Bars MFME 5


Is there any 5 or 10 pound jackpots versions i cant find any if so can you please post a link thanks.

{Link} Golden Winner

Bellfruit viva las vegas


Next up , is this one, as per title, multi play with the jackpot at £70

should be ready in a week or do, depending on any free time.

Attached Thumbnails


Novomatic Takeover.


Just wandered what people thought. ?????




Another company that does not look after the Paying Customer :( But thats just my opinion. Percentages are absolutely CRAP grrrrrrrrrrrr, since they took over...........Looks LIKE im gonna find somewhere else to spend my £££££££. Or just give up on gaming in venues.


PS. Thanx to all the Creators and Layout Designers for FruitEMU. Many HOURS of enjoyment has been spent downloading and playing the machines. WHO do i send my £20,000 too????? thats how much i have LOST in them MACHINES. LOL 

Little Devils


Hi there just wondering can the casino version of astra little devils be emulated.


remember me checkbox not working!


Hi, I am signed in on 2 computers, but don't think my old win 7 Tosh lappy will work again. Basically, I tick "Remember me", and I have to sign in every time. Has safety or security tightened recently? No, there is not 2 of me signing in here, it's just 2 of my laptops, and I'd give no-one else my details. Just wondering if the checkbox wasn't working or if anyone had this problem?

mfme 5.0 startup error "ok" is not a valid integer value


having dam mfme 5.0 problems i had everything working fine i escaped from a game and now all i get is this on startup and crashes! 

uninstalled - reinstalled still hanging

regestry reinstalled


opened firewall 


ok" is not a valid integer value"





Attached Thumbnails

  • error.png

Bellfruit random winner club


Just off to the play testers , so will be released  whenever they get back to me. if all is well.


multiplay  with the jackpot at £500.



Attached Thumbnails

  • Club random winner  wip.jpg

(Request) Shark raving mad


Would be really nice to see it on mfme, if someone could make it that would be great :)

Butch Cashidy & Dough Ho-Ho

Removing side art


Why on some machines the side art wont remove & you end up with half a machine if you try to pull the side across?.


{Link} Fat Cat


First of all and most importantly, thanks to Mavroz for this one.  This is a test rom and a game that it would have been very unlikely you would have ever seen if it was not for him supplying the rom, so many thanks for this and being a supporter of the scene.

This machine has no art that we know of, no photo or any point of reference, I did my best, blind...



Dongle for Bell Fruit Machines


Hi there All, 


Wondering if anyone can shed any light on this, I know that I am going to get shouted at for this but I really want a BFM Winfall Fruit machine, no idea why, I just want one.


I understand that the newer machines now need a dongle to run, anyone have an idea as to how much these dongles cost and how long they last?

Thanks in advance all.



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