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Barcrest It's Amazing


Anyone have access to this machine? Would like to know the order of the "Maze Attraction" DOND style feature reel.


Test mode doesn't tell me & demo mode seems obsessed with the £35/Mega Streak which aren't much help. Also made worse by the fact it has 24 stops when theres only 16 values

problem solved!


You know I had problems with cookies etc? Well, I downloaded Adw Cleaner and Malwarebytes antimalware and both found at least 64 threats!!!!! Now Malwarebytes says it has blocked all potential websites! This was the problem as these sites were accessing my cookies and I had to sign in every single flippin' time! Well guys, I will now be back on the scene with a faster lappy, so a belated Merry Xmas to y'all.



Hi folks


I have purchased a new dongle for my DOND machine, except after following the instructions in the manual on entering the 'extended test setup' screens, it doesn't tell me how to get to these screens.  And RH4 I would take as being the 'COLLECT' button when I press this simultaneously with the green 'test' button on the MPU board, but still can't get it to the 'extended test setup' screens (i.e., test reels, test coins, test buttons, etc).


Please can anyone help as I'm losing my rag with this lol





*Merry Christmas by the way !!

Cops N Robbers Safe Cracker


Hopefully coming soon Cops N Robbers Safe Cracker.

Attached Thumbnails

  • Cops N Robbers WIP.png



 Old MPU3 machine by PCP to finish off a great end of year for MFME, hope you had a great Christmas, and wish you all a happy and healthy new year.


Thanks to Alex74 for his classic, Fruitsim for uploading photos on the Mecca, Ploggy for tech help and NQ for testing.




Maygay New York New York

Im about 70% done doing a classic of this but i need a bit of help please! Im struggling to get the top feature and the mystery options lamped correctly but the machine wont let me stop on certain lamps even in demo mode. Does anyone know the correct order or have a picture of it where i can work it out? At the moment im using a combination of a youtube video and the layout for On The Buses!


high voltage error help


got these roms running sort of but give a commc link error 7.2 after starting as you can see used funnymoney as a base will need more buttons etc and there appears to be no sound roms only g01-04

Attached Files

FE New Year Charity Raffle! Nominate your favourite charity.


As it's been a pretty good year (for emulation and for the site, anyway!) and because our members can be relied on for their willingness to support good causes, I thought we should revive an old tradition and have a raffle, with all proceeds going to a charity voted for by the membership.


I'll be raffling (at least) a Gold, Silver and Bronze membership (or upgrade) - if anyone else can offer a (preferably virtual) service that they are willing to give away as a prize, please let me know.


We will need to sort out some details, such as the method of payments, seeing as my Paypal account attracts fees we will need to come up with some other method I imagine.


Please feel free to nominate your favourite charity below - in a few days I will set up a poll to decide which charity or charities the proceeds will be chosen.



Open The Box

Rocky Horror The Fruit Machine - For Android

Happy New Year


Just wanna say Happy New Year to you all and hope its a good'n! :D

{Link} Monopoly - Double Money

Qps pink panther


Just started this one, multiplay with the jackpot @ £500.
should be ready in a couple of weeks, if i can work out the lamps, as there is 21 for the name

13 for the pink panther, and 6 for the head.

also 3 lamps for  50p £1 and £2 play but they never light up.

Attached Thumbnails

  • pink panther wip.jpg

End of march release date for new £ coin

Scorpion 4 - Bellfruit: Dough Ho-Ho 25p/£25


Posted Image


File Name: Bellfruit: Dough Ho-Ho 25p/£25

File Submitter: Johnnyafc

File Submitted: 01 Jan 2017

File Category: Scorpion 4


Bellfruit: Dough Ho-Ho 25p/£25
£1: 0
Start: Space


Transfer: T
Exchange: E
Collect: C
Hold: 1
Hold/Hi: 2
Hold/Lo: 3
Cancel: `
Sink or Swim: D
Take Streak: S
Left Hi: R
Left Lo: F
Right Hi: Y
Right Lo: H
Thanks to The Testers


Click here to download this file

Mario Kart 64


Just trying to find a decent font or resizing stuff to make it all fit ;)

Attached Thumbnails

  • mARIO.png

MPU 5 - Crocodile Rock DX


Posted Image


File Name: Crocodile Rock DX

File Submitter: DAD

File Submitted: 03 Jan 2017

File Category: MPU 5


OK, well I started this layout years ago as I mentioned in the wip thread - March 2008 it was or thereabouts but never finished it due to to the machine using extended lamps not supported by MFME at the time.


Having long forgot about it I stumbled across the artwork a couple of days ago along with a partial layout and so decided to try it again in MFME V and was pleasantly delighted that it now works OK.


There is an odd issue though and that's that a couple of the bonus features shown on the artwork simply don't exist.  I've cycled through all the available lamps but there's no sign, and more to the point I've not yet seen them in gameplay, therefore it doesn't really matter and doesn't effect the game at all.


Usual keys apart from:


Take Cash Pot - H
Take Shot - S
Take Bonus - B
Take Cash - T
Take Feature - F


Chuffed its finally done, hope you enjoy it. Posted Image


Click here to download this file

Layout DIY fixes


I think we have seen some posted in random threads, including by myself, but thought it might get a bit annoying all these old threads appear.


So here's some I've found, sorry if it's repeat info.


Feel free to add any yourself.


All Scorpion 4 layouts.


Mental Money Monsters - Needs to have data pak set to yes and the service switch set to 6.


If you don't know how, open layout, click on design from the menu bar, edit mode, open configuration and you'll see the option to change data pak from no to yes and the under switches change 16 to 6.


Bankety Bank - Needs to have service switch set to 6. Beforehand, while, this machines appears to be ok, if you press the start button, you'll see it'll add 50 credits so it's in open door mode.


Rovers Return - Needs to have service switch set to 6


Pot Shot - Needs to have data pak set to yes and the service switch set to 6 and cash set to 8







Red Gaming Slider


Hi does anyone have any pics of this red gaming machine please? thanks.

{Link} Super Slam

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