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As it's been a pretty good year (for emulation and for the site, anyway!) and because our members can be relied on for their willingness to support good causes, I thought we should revive an old tradition and have a raffle, with all proceeds going to a charity voted for by the membership.


I'll be raffling (at least) a Gold, Silver and Bronze membership (or upgrade) - if anyone else can offer a (preferably virtual) service that they are willing to give away as a prize, please let me know.


We will need to sort out some details, such as the method of payments, seeing as my Paypal account attracts fees we will need to come up with some other method I imagine.


Please feel free to nominate your favourite charity below - in a few days I will set up a poll to decide which charity or charities the proceeds will be chosen.



{MPU5} Crocodile Rock DX


Posted Image


File Name: Crocodile Rock DX

File Submitter: DAD

File Submitted: 03 Jan 2017

File Category: MPU 5


OK, well I started this layout years ago as I mentioned in the wip thread - March 2008 it was or thereabouts but never finished it due to to the machine using extended lamps not supported by MFME at the time.


Having long forgot about it I stumbled across the artwork a couple of days ago along with a partial layout and so decided to try it again in MFME V and was pleasantly delighted that it now works OK.


There is an odd issue though and that's that a couple of the bonus features shown on the artwork simply don't exist.  I've cycled through all the available lamps but there's no sign, and more to the point I've not yet seen them in gameplay, therefore it doesn't really matter and doesn't effect the game at all.


Usual keys apart from:


Take Cash Pot - H
Take Shot - S
Take Bonus - B
Take Cash - T
Take Feature - F


Chuffed its finally done, hope you enjoy it. Posted Image


Click here to download this file

Super Mario 64


first off let me say this is not going to be the best dx as the source image was tiny (675px and a gif!) but managed to get an ok dx from it thankfully.


ive seen a couple of people ask for this so thought i would post it up.


although i have a backlog of wips to go through this will be the next i release i have no idea when that will be though.

Attached Thumbnails

  • supmariowdx.jpg

Qps shoot for the stars

Just been looking around and this machine popped up it's Scorpion 5 technology

Rumours of MFME 5.1?


Looked in emulators, cannot find MFME 5.1 anywhere, but have seen it in various topics. For example, "Works in MFME V5.0/5.1 only." etc. Please PM me the 5.1 release and any release changes.



Screen Play is a great old semi lo-tech video affair from Maygay, thanks MFME v5.1 the sounds are now fully emulated.


This comes in two flavours, a standard DX which represents the original machine. The screen is quite small and even on my larger screen I struggled with text especially when answering questions so I'd imagine a laptop would be impossible. So I re-designed the machine layout allowing for a larger screen in the top glass hopefully catering for all.


Big thanks for this release to Stevedude2 for the existing DX, Ploggy for glass scans, Jonno & Sam for the roms, Stanmarsh for buttons, and Wizard for the updated MFMEv5.1


Moving forward all my work will be optimised for v5.1 Make sure you run this on MFMEv 5.1 only.









Return of the Jedi DX

Reel Band Scans


not sure where to post these so if they need to be moved can someone please do it for me ?


ok so i have scanned the reel bands i collected and i must say i have never scanned bands before but done the best i can,


some of these was in a state very dirty and the smell is unexplainable but i cleaned them the best i could and here are the results


Attached File  Reels.zip   76.07MB   14 downloads

Spank the banker flyer required


not sure if anyones doing this but had a request to do said layout and finally got some roms running for this after a few attempts cleared the payunit errors etc in the roms i downloaded theres about ten sets so randomly loaded some, anyway if knowone else is doing this does anybody have a hi res flyer of this and can i borrow reel bands from past dond machines to use

thanks in advance

Best place to buy Fruit machines in N Ireland

Hi. I looking for a fruit machine in Northern Ireland. Been looking for a while on eBay n stuff but most r in England. I would like a retro machine like indiana Jones or some other old school 1 if poss.

*** FME Dats (20170110) ***

Show me the mummy 25 pound challenge


see what you can win of this 25 pound and a very happy ram file and post your results

Attached Files

Manic Muncher

WIP Maygay Double Top

Next classic from me is Maygay's Double Top. This is a £15 darts themed game on Epoch.Should be with you for by the end of the weekend.

If anyone can point me to a pic (using a youtube video again!) and the correct reel symbols id be most grateful 😃

Mpu4 Video: Bubbly Bonk


Tested and Stuff

Attached Thumbnails

  • BUBS.png

Question about physical fruit machine


I have a few fruit machines at home, not something i really plan to do but was wondering if you could change one of the sounds, 

i'm not sure if one of the sounds is stored on a card chip or something, is it possible to rewrite them, 

like i say not something i would plan to do incase it was really easy.


Bar X (Red Bars)


Is anyone planning on doing this one?

Attached Thumbnails

  • Untitled.png

Electrocoin Magic 7

Hi has any one got one of these machines as need some help on the wiring of the plugs for the coin hopper conection, as the wiring and size of hopper tray appear diffrent to what should be in a Magic 7.
I got this machine as a non worker but have sorted the board which had battery damage and now need to source the correct hopper and tray.
Attached photo of tray opening and the conector from the machine.

Attached Thumbnails

  • 20161216_153236m7.jpg
  • 20161221_190007m7.jpg

machines i can play?


can some one tell me what machines can I play in mfme 5.1, i.e techs




This old clubber from Bellfruit never ran properly in MFME, thanks to Wizard and MFMEv5 the cashpot issues are now fixed.


Thanks to Bugs & Trouty for the original BFMulator classic release, Pete_W for his MFME conv tool, Ploggy for tech help & theabbey for testing.




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