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Happy birthday duplu

Happy birthday fella,have a great day,all the best.

Birthday in the house shaun 2097


Happy birthday mate, hope you had a good one.all the best.

bar x 7 arcade mode-bingo mode?


hi guys just a quick question i have got a bar x 7 and i dont know what mode it is on and i dont have a manual with it so dont know what switch it is or what it is on now has anyone got any info on how to change it 





Request Maygay club hunted house

Wondering if it can be done had it at work £100 jp all I remember was the ghost train and you had to get 3 or 4 pumpkins to get a board

New MFME Fruit Cabinet


Hi dudes, 


Thought i'd start this thread with a new venture ive started, ive always wanted to have a fruit machine cabinet that can emulate all the games in one place and since this new update of mfme 5.1. i think i can get there now. 


So i started with adopting a new mission for my old indy IMG_0052.JPG


i first looked into a button interface as i had seen another user on here do a MFME button type box (REG) i think. so that was what started me off. so i took a dive a bought this thing ipac2_top.jpg


once connected via usb (no software needed this thing just works!!) you can connect the buttons up to work. i thought i'd do a test run before i sacrificed indy I pac mockup.jpg .


once i could see that this worked, i went to work dismantleing indy.IMG_0054.JPG . i didnt get any wiring with the I-PAC controller so i used the fruit machine wiring in situ. i seperated each button wire and the ground wire..... IMG_0058.JPG


then ive hooked it up IMG_0060.JPG .


okay im not very good at this technical stuff but if someone else tries this i could help better... 


heres a couple of videos aswell of it working....


I plan to paint all the plastic on indy white IMG_0046.JPG and im hoping the finished arcticle will be able to be a mame cabinet to, a curved sumsung 32inch LED monitor will fit perfectly with some perspex covering up the outer edges (if i get a touch screen it will solve problems with games that have buttons up high)... and im hoping to get a PAC controller to make button lights work soon. 


Anyway this is a work in progress. Enjoy. 


i cant seem to upload my videos i might have to upload to youtube unless someone can tell me how to do it? 

oh, my indy was buggered, so as i gave up trying to fix it. processor board and battery were knackered. so thats why i went ahead...

DOND Go All The Way DX


Nearly lamped apart from the bottom left & the board to go.

Attached Thumbnails

  • dondgatw ON.jpg



Hey All,


I was wondering if anyone has the 'Pinball Nudger' still the £2/£5 version as I have tried searching for them on here and over at dadsfme but can't seem to find them.


Although I have managed to get one of them from the 'mecca' the £2 version,


I was wondering if anyone had the 3 different ones, which consisted of one £2 version and two £5 versions (I think?)


Thank you very much in advance!

Note acceptors


I currently own 2 machines. Barcrest rainbow riches(on the fiddle) on mpu 6 tech and a BFM monopoly wonders of the world club on scorpian 4 tech.

Both have note acceptors fitted that cant be updated for the new polymer notes ( jcm eba and a nv10 non usb).

I'm lookin for a recycler at least on the barcrest that i know can take, but all the ones ive seen have the stacker unit underneath, so hell the hell do u fit it?

My preferance is for a jcm vega, i'm wondering if the stacker can be took off at all, so the excess notes just fall to the note box.

Also  if anyone knows can a scorpian 4 accept a recycler?

editing slot machine in MFME. need my background


How can I extract the background image from a slot machine?

I can right click on an item and do extract image/bitmap,  but nothing happens.

I needed to change an item on the picture layout,  and don't have the original image.


Thank you


Question: how do the coin mechanism and the payout hopper tie in with each other?


Hi all,


Later in the year I'm looking at building an MFME cabinet that will accept money and pay money out.


I have quite a few questions about this (which I'll put in separate threads to keep them 'on topic').


I've been doing some research on how to implement a "pay in" and found these two coin mechanisms...




I'm quite confident I can get the pay in side to work but I've no idea how to get the "pay out" side working.


Am I correct that in a real fruit machine the money falls into a "hopper"?


Does anyone know how the hopper receives signals and how it knows how much to pay out? Is it serially through comms or just pulses on different pins that fires out a £1 etc?


Also, does anyone know what I would be searching for on eBay to get something that would perform this function in my own cabinet (basically pay out based on a signal sent from MFME) ?


Any info you have on this side of things at all would be really useful to me as, at the moment, I have no idea.


Cheers :-)

Where are the speakers mounted in real fruit machines?


Hi all,


I'm going to build an MFME cabinet and wondered where to put the speakers. When I built my MAME arcade cab I put them at the top behind some audio cloth but I'm thinking of just leaving them inside the machine next to the monitor on my MFME build.


But I wondered if real fruitys have speakers in the bottom of the cabinet or if they are just built into the middle behind the top glass or what?


Anyone know?


Thanks for any info you have on this. :-)

RPG type machine and Going Underground.

Well hopefully the topic name made you look just to see what I'm on about.

So, does anyone remember a machine that had role play type play, might have been Dungeon and Dragon based, possibly red cabinet and would have been around the mid 90s.

I think you had health points which would be depleted in battles as you moved around the board. I'm sure dragons were on the feature board. I think the board also was wide rather than tall.

No it's not Tomb Raider lol.

While you're here reading this, also a London Underground based machine, based on the circle line I think, blue cabinet, board like winner takes all and the machine with the stopwatch on it, which is emulated, but can't remember the name atm.

Any pics, info would be great.

MPU 4 - Say No More (Nudge Nudge Wink Wink)


Posted Image


File Name: Say No More (Nudge Nudge Wink Wink)

File Submitter: westy20040

File Submitted: 26 May 2017

File Category: MPU 4


Here we have a fantastic lo-tec from Barcrest.
Nudge Nudge Wink Wink - Say No More
Released by Barcrest back in the good old days of 1991 using their MPU4 tech.
This machine is a notch up from the original Nudge Nudge Wink Wink
and is packed with loads of hidden features and a Hi-Lo gamble, just
keep an eye out on the display for the hidden features.
Thanks goto Wizard for MFME 5.x and also thanks to the ROM provider.
Keyboard Shortcuts
0 or Num pad 0 - Insert £1
Space - Start
1,2,3 - Hold / Nudge
` - Cancel
H - Hi
L - Lo
C - Collect
Enjoy this true Barcrest classic.


Click here to download this file

Bar-X £5/£2 & £8 decals


Hi working on various stakes/settings with hitthesix for layouts and was wondering if anyone can photograph the above decals with the blue backgrounds for us please

Or if anyone has any other jackpot decals for these please upload as there's loads of variations to emulated from £4.80 through to £70

if not can anyone identify the font used on said decals


£4.80 already sourced along with the £1

Software Options: Disable Datapak


Hi there!


We've purchased a 2006 Barcrest 'Golden Arrow' from a bankruptcy auction, thinking it would be great for in the office. Really love em!

It included all the keys but not the manual, hey how hard could it be  :rolleyes: ?


Well, I've spent many, many hours ready and I've leant a lot. Changing volume, accessing logs and settings etc etc. 

It's a MPU5 but gives error 'No Datapak' when I try to fill or empty the hoppers with the refill key.


Reading some more I'm guessing we have the D-version of the software on the Program Card. 

I also know this can't be changed by flipping the setting switch on the MPU5 board, so it's programmed in the eprom's, correct?


So any tips how we can change the software version to a 'normal' non-data pak mode?

Need to use an Eprom reader and change something? Or are there files out there we can use?

Or could we use another MPU5 Program Card altogether? 


Really want to get this thing up and running but without the need for the Datapak.




Attached Thumbnails

  • IMG_0194.jpg

Birthday in the house ady


Happy birthday ady, have  a good one mate.

Project coins jokers wild


Should be ready in a couple of weeks


set on a really tight  10p with the jackpot at a tenner

Attached Thumbnails




I know this is a big ask, but does anyone have a decent mfme setup I can get a copy either DVD or downloadable form?


I'm just setting up a mfme PC for a mate and I just don't really have a lot of layouts on my PC to be honest so am looking for a layout bundle I guess :)


If anyone can hook me up that would be greatly appreciated :)





Triple 777 machines Wow I got One


Hi there Folks the great news is I finally bought myself a Triple 7 with 9 games from Wessex Coins.

The list of games are as follows


Rainbow Riches Party £100

Rainbow Riches Mad Mushrooms £100

Reel em in £100

Boogie nights £100

Elvis Jukebox Rocks £100

Rocky £500

Rainbow Riches Pick n mix £500

Rainbow Riches Pots of Gold £500

Rainbow Riches Free Spins £500


It cost me £4050



Oxo (Bar-X) roms


firstly not sure if they're complete and secondly not sure if they'll run but here's some oxo roms i found whilst searching for bar-x images

probs got security on them 

Attached Files

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