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Many Happy Returns Duplu.


Many happy returns Al.


Have a great Birthday fella :)



can antony get hold of bfms £4.80 bar 7 thanks

Removal of "Adult/Sexual Content"

For better or worse, this site currently relies to a small extent on revenue from Google Ads.

We recently received a warning from them due to what they deem to be "Adult or sexual content".

The image in question was a small avatar sized GIF moving image of female buttocks.

Google's rules are termed thus:

"Google ads may not be placed on pages with adult or mature content. This includes, but is not limited to, pages with images or videos containing:

Strategically covered nudity
Sheer or see-through clothing
Lewd or provocative poses
Close-ups of breasts, buttocks, or crotches"

In light of this, moderators and myself will be required to remove any such content whenever we see it, without notice or explanation. We encourage users to be mindful of any images they have posted in the past or may intend to post in the future.

Apologies for this situation, which is unfortunately beyond our control.

Any Rainbow Riches machines for sale?

Hi guys,

Is anyone selling any Rainbow Riches B3 - £500 Jackpot machines at the moment?


Another Question


Hi again fella's hope you are all still good...


Have another question for all you guys that know a bit about cars ? 


Need a new car basically and went to see one today , had a test drive , everything was cool ... 04 plate Puegot 206 with less than 45k miles done..


However during the test drive i noticed the engine managment light was on .. when i pointed this out he said .. " oh thats nothing to worry about , its just detecting more emmisions coming from the engine than there should be " eh... i mean the engine isnt mixing the fuel together properly , its not taking in enough air...and giving out higher emmisions...if you had driven it longer it would have gone off...


Ok...i thought ,, havent ever heard of this ? but me knowing as much about cars as nuclear physics i took his word for it...said id probably pick it up later in the week..( a few bits needing done ) ...


Should i steer well clear of this ... is it anything to worry about , dont want to buy it then have to get it towed to a garage 3 days later and be £500 out of pocket .. or whatever...


Any advice/answers would be greatly appreciated ... Cheers lads.   :)

MPS - Pcp's NudgeMoney 1024Dx


Posted Image


File Name: Pcp's NudgeMoney 1024Dx

File Submitter: vectra666

File Submitted: 22 May 2016

File Category: MPS


Here is a old classic, probably my oldest machine layout so far, It's pcp's nudgemoney a great little 2p'er!!!. 
 I can see why spa loves this machine so much a excellent machine that sits alongside the great test pilot but in my option is miles better in playabilty, as spa states you can get the jackpot regularly by taking the 2nd feature "hi-lo money". I now remember this machine well as it was one of the first machines i played back in the 80's where i learnt to perfect the skillstop's and probably played it a lot due to it being cheap as a fiver on these would last all afternoon down by the seaside on a wet sunday lol.
  Back to the layout, thanks to spa for sending me the images and hopefully we'll see this in his large emulation machine in the near future!! Its been an absolute pleasure recreating this, brought back great memories.  
At times i thought it's just to hard to make anything from the images but with a little push and from some more images found from the mecca, here it is!! Also thanks to spa for his classic layout used as a base! 
the text isn't as accurate as the original machine text but is the correct fontage, also the picky ones here will probably notice the double 2p's are different than the actual machine, due to me putting them the wrong way around.. oooppppss lol.  
Thanks to spa and ricardo D p for testing!
Technical details...
 The layout suffers the same emu crash as the classic so if you collect the feature line "cash numbers" it WILL crash, also texted on layout!
the font used Bebas neue was the font used for imformation so this is included in the first reply on this.
Shortcuts are listed also.
  PLAYS BEST IN MFME2.0!!!!! if it alarms on coin inserting, reset the game and reduce configuration speed!
        ENJOY and HAPPY GAMING!!!!!! 


Click here to download this file

Crystal Maze The Fruit Machine APK

Andy Capp 'The Great Escape' flyer or photo's required


As the title reads was just thinking of updating the layout we have on this setting but unfortunately there appears to be no flyer even for the £6 versions so i'm asking does anybody have the flyer of better still photo's of this machine.

Remember playing this when I was first legal to drink in pubs back in '93' after they had the original andy capp so like to relive my youth so to speak.

thanks in advance!

Simulations - The Crystal Maze - Requirements: Android 4.0+


Posted Image


File Name: The Crystal Maze - Requirements: Android 4.0+

File Submitter: Liverpool2008

File Submitted: 23 May 2016

File Category: Simulations


The description of Crystal Maze The Fruit Machine
Crystal Maze, The Fruit Machine is a retro, just for fun fruit machine complete with nudges, features and a game board and it’s a perfect way to test your luck!
Crystal Maze, The Fruit Machine can be played by touching the onscreen buttons or by using a mouse-which covers most devices so happy retro gaming, all you need to provide is some luck...
To add coins/credits to the fruit machine simply tap or click the red coin slot (Found above the game board). Each tap/click of the coin slot will add five credits to the fruit machine, then just play the fruit machine like you normally would do.
The main features of Crystal Maze, The Fruit Machine include;
-Hi/Lo win gamble-(When you get a normal win on the fruit machine, you will be offered a Hi/Lo gamble).
-Exchange to the game board-(When you win a Hi/Lo gamble you will be offered an exchange to the game board, except on a jackpot win. When exchanged, the amount of nudges you start the game board with will be the same as the amount of crystals offered when exchanged to the game board, which you can use (Nudges) if you land on a Nudge Pot tile when playing the game board).
-3-in-a-row-(Getting one number value on each of the three reels at the same time will automatically start the game board, automatically filling the words “Crystal Maze” and you will be awarded a random amount of nudges at the start of the game board which you can use if you land on a Nudge Pot tile when playing the game board).
-Skill Stop reel feature-(Each letter of “Crystal Maze” lights up/goes out one by one and if stopped at the end of “Crystal Maze” it will start the game board where you’ll be awarded a random amount of nudges at the start of the game board which you can use if you land on a Nudge Pot tile when playing the game board).
-Reel Skill reel feature-(The reels will spin allowing you to stop them where you want, if you’re skilled or lucky enough that is).
-Nudge reel feature-(You will be awarded a random amount of nudges; each nudge can move a reel down by one step, so use the nudges wisely).
-Boost reel feature-(It will add a random amount of letters to the words “Crystal Maze” and if you’re lucky and the words get filled it will start the game board where you’ll be awarded a random amount of nudges at the start of the game board which you can use if you land on a Nudge Pot tile when playing the game board).
-Stopper reel feature-(It will randomly flash one letter at a time in the words “Crystal Maze”, if stopped on the last letter it will start the game board where you’ll be awarded a random amount of nudges at the start of the game board which you can use if you land on a Nudge Pot tile when playing the game board).
There are many more features like holds, trail held(s) and of course the game board game itself and its features too-which are too many to list and explain in detail but they include Nudge Pots, Skill/Physical/Mystery challenges as well as Question Mark tiles with many options-and various games to be played along with the BIG features like the Jackpot Repeater, Gold Series, Nudge Pot Repeater etc- for those lucky enough to be offered them. The game also has retro sound effects, all in all, a lot of retro fun in one retro fruit machine-happy retro gaming!


Click here to download this file

Andy's Great Escape £10/20p 1024Wdx


Hope to do this machine proud with a re-dx of the £10 version we have, using different roms the 20p version 

blue 7's - £3

Machine needs a few new buttons due to camara flash if any's going spare??

Attached Thumbnails

  • andy On.png



Hi all,


so for the last month or so i have been working on a new project, a db for fruit machines


im looking for people to help me populate it (i have about 4k images to upload and 1k+ flyers so far) i need people who have good knowledge of fruit machines and some spare time


so whats needed:






youtube videos

information (each machine has a 'master' record that contains the main details, name , release date, tech etc. and all other records will link to that)


misc. files


anyone willing to help out feel free to pm me or reply back to this thread and ill give you a log in


to view the site is is currently stands you can see it here (bare in mind its still being developed and so will change/break every now and again)




Attached Thumbnails

  • ss.jpg



more and more restrictions in the UK mean that alternative methods ae needed to login. it used to be a simple case of https:// and then the .eu suffix on the end.


now ive found that all dont work with virgin media, so ive installed Browsec: for firefox and get through every time.


i was using hola for chrome, but found it was hit and miss with poor download times.





the firefox addon can be found here and free to the masses - https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/browsec/



Happy birthday ady


Many happy returns mate, have a great day.

Fruit Machine Stool




For those that are local to TW11


As I have moved and no longer have fruit machines I have a great fruit machine stool for sale, These were over £120 and is quite heavy. 


It has minor wear but no rips etc 



Im looking for £20 o.v.n.o  of which I would donate 10% to this site.



Pick up only, Cash on collection its currently in Teddington   TW11.





Attached Thumbnails

  • Stool1.JPG
  • Stool2.JPG

MPU 4 - Andy's Great Escape £10/20p 1024Wdx (Barcrest)


Posted Image


File Name: Andy's Great Escape £10/20p 1024Wdx (Barcrest)

File Submitter: vectra666

File Submitted: 01 Jun 2016

File Category: MPU 4


Oooh No pet!!!!
 Next up from me is this barcrest classic Andy Capp's the Great Escape on the larger £10 jp 20p setting.
Thanks goto-
The original £10/25p Fdx layout by Dean of which i used for lamping positions,
Jonwarby from the mecca for giving tommy c the photo's originally,
to Tommy C for uploading said photo,s and reel bands from his £4 layout of this!
To Ploggy for these £10/20p roms and the flyer used for buttons,
To Fuzion for pointing out the out of line buttons.
Shortcuts are-
 Start = Spacebar,
 Exchange = E
 Hi = H, Lo = L
 Holds/Nudges = 1,2,3
 Cancel/Collect = `
 ££££'s in = 0
   Plays in all mfme's for those who like em big lol
 But plays best in mfme2.0 - 2.1 as the hi lo lamps won't light in mfme3.0-3.2
 If the images for the hi lo reel bands are sourced then i shall update accordingly!
     Enjoy And Happy Gaming!!


Click here to download this file

Strange request.


I have been searching on the net (wickipedia and google and IMDB) for the name of a tv show that Philip Schofiled hosted about twenty years ago about paranormal and secret places. I think it was on ITV on a Sunday evening. I remember there was one piece on there about a supposed secret underground istallation/city near Bristol, but no one from the M.O.D. would comment on it. Would love it if someone knew the name of the show or remembered it al all.

Strange that there is no information on it anywhere, cover up maybe???


King Of Clubs


Anyone know if a machine by Barcrest - Elvis King of Clubs Has been emulated / released?

RIP Muhammad Ali


He is the best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be! In MFME speak, "float like a butterfly, sting like a bee, you're goin' down in round 3! When you don't think you can't take no more, you're out for the count in round 4!" Definitely the greatest. Just listening to a tribute on BBC 5 Live radio. Feel free to comment.



HAs anyone new roms so i can work on a classic scorp 4 preferrabley

Project Amber 2 June Progress Update


The last update thread without a release hopefully. By the end of June at the very very latest I expect to have a release out there.


Progress is being made behind the scenes, in the mean time here's a video showing the jackpot sequence from Casino Crazy with the updated lamping shader.

Attached Files

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