Hi can anyone get these roms to run, seen a pic on spa's goggle drive of this and it appear to be a mpu4 flash cash clone but a 2p version
Hi im restoring 3 rainbow riches machines at the moment but im missing the game cards they are running the first edition rainbow riches from a USB bought from a supplier..I know E supplies have taken over all old barcrest parts but they are hard to deal with so if anyone on here has any for sale please message me many thanks Graeme
Hi all, something bugging me - when a player has fed all their cash into a machine and they suddenly need to go and withdraw more cash they always get the assistant to watch the machine. She then puts an out of order sign on it to convince other players that its in need of attention when its working perfectly fine, in other words lying to customers. I find arcades that do this annoying and misleading.
File Name: Jpm's Club RedHot6 £150/10p 1024Wdx(s)
File Submitter: vectra666
File Submitted: 10 Jun 2016
File Category: Impact
Next up is another jackpot version of this Jpm clubber RedHot6 this time its on £150jp 10p 80(ish)%
I got the idea for this edition by viewing ebay and found an image for it, so I basically cut around the shiny red cab from the image and placed it over my existing £250 artwork then redid the decals from the original photo and previous artwork, the buttons on this edition are the original ones.
Also included is another version, I called it the 'dodgy arcade' version i made just for fun to see what it looks like, I may do this for some future releases lol.
delete If necessary.
As you'll see some of the lamps are out, some of the buttons don't work or are wired up wrong, reels out of line etc.
Shortcuts (if they work lol) are
Start = spacebar
Transfer winnings = T
Holds/Nudges = 1,2,3
Cancel/Collect = `
Top reels Holds = 4,5,6
20p stake = 7, 40p stake = 8, £1stake = 9
£1's in = 0, £2's in = P
Hi guys, was playing crazy fruits in Quicksilver, not the Green version. When I canceled holds, the "UH Oh!" sound went haywire. In MFME, the sample doesn't change pitch. Why is this? It also is the same with nudges and the start reel landing sounds. MFME counts this as one sample, but games like fast fruits MFME 9 play OK as they should.
I have a Barcrest MPU5 Empire Strikes Back machine £70JP
This weekend I fitted an NV10 Note Acceptor, but now I get an alarm on startup as follows
After checking the note acceptor over I can't find anything wrong with it, all the optical sensors are clear and the motors are turning the tracks properly.
My other machines are much older so I can't try the note acceptor in those to determine if it is faulty.
I decided to remove the note acceptor for now while i figure out what's wrong with it, but now I get a new alarm on startup NOTE ACCEPTOR MISSING, so now I can't use the machine at all.
Any help with either problem would be most appreciated. Ultimately i'd like to get the note acceptor working, but like wise it will be useful to know how to tell the machine it has been removed so that I can set it properly should I change the machine in the future and want to remove the note acceptor.
Yes i can't believe i've been a member here for ten years now,Can still remember the rush i got when i saw the downloads section with all those classics from the 90's in. I was up all through the night playing viva espana,andy capp,viva las vegas and many more.Mad how time flies,been some good times over the years,things have slowed right down now compared to back then.Could still be hope though when project amber makes an appearance.
does anybody have these two flyers
Evolotion qps
Easy Streak bellfruit
as the 1600dx layouts we have could do with a mini update .
cheers in advance
File Name: Super jester
File Submitter: hitthesix
File Submitted: 12 Jun 2016
File Category: MPU 4
Here we have a little layout as per title set on 20p with the jackpot at £4.80p
thanks go to the rom provider. the people who created the emus.
and the play testers
and jonno ( who also sent me the decals)
anyhow it runs best in v2 or v 2.1
Happy birthday fellas, have a good one.
I think it's time this country got some f*****g balls.
This poor lady snuffed for no reason what-so-ever.
God bless you sweetheart
I say the c**t be hanged!
This is such sad sad news.
Have a great Birthday gent's.
Hope you have a good day.
File Name: Easy Streak (bellfruit) £15/30p 1024Wdx
File Submitter: vectra666
File Submitted: 18 Jun 2016
File Category: Scorpion 4
Next up is this bellfruit Easy Streak @£15, whether it is "EASY" to streak this remains to be seen. It appears to be a prequel to the likes of lockbuster where you land on the coloured arrows for the streaks.
I give thanks to the original creator of the 1600Dx whoever it was, for the lamping positions,
And To Pook for the flyer, ploggy for the hi lo reel band!
The shortcuts are listed on the minimal sideart as couldn't think of what to put there lol.
Please play this in Mfme10.1 only as could give payunit errors in 9.4
Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!
Hot off the press...
Empire Games Finished!!
All redundant end of the month..
Happy Birthday chas'
Have a great day fella...
File Name: Jpm's Crown Dealer(Mps)£4.80jp-1024Wdx
File Submitter: vectra666
File Submitted: 24 Jun 2016
File Category: MPS
Next up is this £4.80 machine crown dealer by Jpm, plays a great game with three times hold and jackpots hold regularly!!
Thanks goto-
The rom provider,
Spa for the classic layout this is based on,
Wizard for the flyer he uploaded back in 2012,
and Pook for seven seg advice
I've left the auto start off as there isn't one showing on this machine!
reels, i remade the cards to a near match to the original machine.
Shortcuts are -
Start = spacebar
Take Cash = T
Cancel = `
Holds = 1,2,3
£££'s in = 0
20p's in = 9
Plays in Mfme's 2.0-3.2
Enjoy and Happy Gaming!!!!