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MPU 4 - Reel Deal Classic


Posted Image


File Name: Reel Deal Classic

File Submitter: andy-1

File Submitted: 25 Jun 2016

File Category: MPU 4


Here is Reel Deal by QPS set on 30p play £5, Unfortunately its mute.
Thanks go to hitthesix for the started layout and playtesting.
Tommy C for playtesting
There is a  known problem, which is the alpha doesn't work. (similar to pink pussy) You can see the credits via 7 segs and winnings just not what's in the bank. Think its an EMU issue, maybe it will work correct in Amber.
Shortcuts are:
Coin in - 0
Start - Space
Auto - A
Spin - S
Hold/ Nudge - 123
Cancel/ Collect - `
Please use MFME 10.1 or MFME 2.0
Hope you enjoy


Click here to download this file

Can anyone scan machine glass?

Is there anyone here who can scan glasses of machines?

I can obtain the glass for a lot of the more modern dond machines. Although not popular among old schoolers, these machines are being destroyed to use their cabinets for other machines and with them being dongle based machines, they'll probably not be around much longer.

Being in a position at the moment, I can get the glass and maybe the reel bands for the likes of dond golden game, triple dond, dond double chance, dond lucky streak, even some of the betcom games like paddy's payday. Also some older and rarer ones like the colour of money, things like banker rings twice, the new AL Murray etc

I know we can't emulate them yet and may even run into legal issues if we do, but nothing wrong with having the resources while we can?

EU Referendum - resulting petitions


Okies someone had to do it lol.


First and foremost I voted Stay for my own reasons, a legal and binding vote was taken and WE chose to leave in a democratic way. I respect that :)


Now the reason for my thread.....I smiled at some of the 'joke' UK/GUV petitions i've seen on FB, eg Redo Friday's Lotto as I didn't win hahaha.


But looking at some of the REAL submissions made me make this thread...





There's some bloody corkers in there to make you smile :)


Some serious Ones too, but the idea of this post is to look at the loony Ones .

Many Happy Returns wearecity


Have a lovely Birthday wearecity.


Many happy returns.

Remote monitoring?


We had a call from Gamestec the other day to say they knew one of AWPs hadnt been turned on at all a couple of days ago and they wanted to know why. Im just wondering how they knew? There is nothing out of the ordinary on the outside of the cabinet so im assuming there is something inside but even then how is it connecting? There is definetly nothing using our wifi and the machines arent connected to a phone line.

Breaking news

Novamatic have brought quicksilver

Coronation Street fruit machine that needs spares


Need some help, after testing this machine I need the power supply or motherboad repaired. Can anyone help as it is a sorry loss to have to scrap it. The graphics are in mint condition. IMG_0406.JPG

DX'cellent is back

Scorpion 4 - Monopoly Deluxe £5 Pseudo DX


Posted Image


File Name: Monopoly Deluxe £5 Pseudo DX

File Submitter: No1Stoney

File Submitted: 30 Jun 2016

File Category: Scorpion 4


Here is my version of Monopoly Deluxe £5 in a pseudo DX.
I only really made this 'DX' for my own use as I wanted a slightly bigger layout than was already available. But thought I would share it with everyone else if anyone wants it.
With thanks to spa for the original classic layout to which I took lamp numbers, logos etc from. 
MFME 9.4


Click here to download this file

Scorpion 4 - Golden Game Deluxe £5 Pseudo DX


Posted Image


File Name: Golden Game Deluxe £5 Pseudo DX

File Submitter: No1Stoney

File Submitted: 30 Jun 2016

File Category: Scorpion 4


Here is my version of Golden Game Deluxe £5 in a pseudo DX.
I only really made this 'DX' for my own use as I wanted a slightly bigger layout than was already available. But thought I would share it with everyone else if anyone wants it.
With thanks to spa for the original classic layout to which I took lamp numbers, logos etc from. 
MFME 9.4


Click here to download this file

Many Happy Returns samson81


Have a super day.


Happy Birthday :)

MFME Machine


Hey everyone, just thought I'd share with everyone a project I am currently trying to complete. I am attempting to make a fruit machine emulator cab that plays, pays and takes coins like real fruit machines. I've already made a "front end" that does most of the work, but I've been trying hard to get hoppers and a coin mech going over the last couple of months.


Coin mech was easy to get going and I shared a video around a month ago of this working:




I've done a bit more work to this, and Ive made a proper loom for the coin mech and it takes all coins. So thats all complete now and ready to move into my custom cab whenever I get around to making it.




The hopper was a slightly harder thing to get going. I needed an interface board to allow the hopper to connect to a PC, and the hunt for the correct type of hopper that would work with the interface board proved more difficult than I thought it would be, mostly down to not doing my homework properly. I needed either a Azkoyen or a Cube hopper as the traditional fruit machine compact hoppers sadly do not work with them (although some people would be able to engineer them to work, but that's beyond my capabilities) But then it needed to be a parallel hopper, not cctalk. and also have the exact pin-outs I needed. Anyway, Whilst waiting to find the correct hopper it allowed me to spend a lot of time developing a front end to work with MFME and the equipment I've got.


The front end allows me to:


Add and play layouts, as many as you want.

Bulk change various layout settings such as Percentage.

Hides the MFME window so it is purely the machine that is showing.

Total control via buttons so that a mouse and keyboard are not needed.

Add favourite machines so you can select them quickly without having to go through the pages.

Full hopper control including engineers menu (dump, pay balances, show machine meters.

Saves a full log file to keep track of what the player has been doing.

Full coin mech support.


Its not totally finished yet, and is intended solely designed to work with the exact equipment I have, but it does work as it stands today.


Work commitments mean this project is going to be a lengthy one, but I will get there in the end.


Anyway, a quick video of the hopper working for anyone that's interested. 

Couple of things to note in the vid is that ive not got the coin mech attached at the moment so am using keyboard but coin mech does work normally.

Windows taskbar is totally hidden when in proper use.

Sorry about the lengthy gameplay on Red hot X, I was just waiting for a reasonable bank to collect.

The "Machine will pay out...." box will not appear when finished, that's just for debugging.


Hope you enjoy.



Project Amber 2 has been released, sort of...


I have let it out early for testing, it is available to all, but due to circumstances I can't be arsed to type out again I've released it in an Alpha, slightly unfinished state.


Once It reaches the stage where I wanted it to be then I will post updates here and at dads, until then I will only be posting software updates on dadsfme.


Feel free to share the emu around amongst yourselves if you cant get on dads for whatever reason.



MPU 5 - Fifty Fifty 1024 Classic


Posted Image


File Name: Fifty Fifty 1024 Classic

File Submitter: andy-1

File Submitted: 02 Jul 2016

File Category: MPU 5


Here is Fifty Fifty by Vivid, Set on 25p Play £15 Jackpot.
Thanks go to hitthesix for started layout and playtesting.
Thanks to Tommy C for playtesting and allowing me to use the reel images.
The only known problem is sometimes not all the name turns red (not sure why as the lamps are correct) but this doesn't affect gameplay.
Shortcuts are:
Coin in - 0
Start - Space
Exchange - E
Vivid - V
Holds/ Hi-Lo - 123
Cancel/ Collect - `
Spin - S
Cashpot - C
Features - F
Step - M
Please use MFME 9.4 or MFME 10.1
Hope you enjoy.


Click here to download this file

MPU 5 - Fifty Fifty 1280 Classic


Posted Image


File Name: Fifty Fifty 1280 Classic

File Submitter: andy-1

File Submitted: 02 Jul 2016

File Category: MPU 5


Here is Fifty Fifty by Vivid, set on 25p Play £15 Jackpot.
Thanks go to hitthesix for the started layout and playtesting.
Thanks to Tommy C for playtesting and allowing me to use reel images.
The only known problem is sometimes not all the name turns red, (not sure why as lamps are correct) but this doesn't affect the gameplay.
Shortcuts are:
Coin in - 0
Start - Space
Exchange - E
Vivid - V
Holds/ Hi-Lo - 123
Cancel/ Collect - `
Spin - S
Cashpot - C
Features - F
Step - M
Please use MFME 9.4 or  MFME 10.1
Hope you enjoy.


Click here to download this file

Death of Caroline Aherne (Royle Family/Mrs Merton)

Layouts for the new Amber 2


just a curiosity question, are their any layout designers out their doing new stuff for Amber?



Loads of epoch games to be emulated!!






Hi guys i don't know if anyone can help me here, I've been a registered with DADSfme before however i have let the email that i used to use die and tried to re-register with dads but my request has been rejected could anybody but me in touch with a MOD for dad's site so i can grovel?



Why was re-size option removed for later mfme?


Playing games in later versions of mfme is hopeless, buttons disappear off the screen and with laptop screens getting smaller (barmy EU rule says they must all be the same size) it doesn't help.


Was perfect in my old laptop but my new acer aspire ES15 has even a smaller screen resolution than my old one. My question is why cant we resize the game so it fits in the screen like the first versions of mfme?? Is there a reason this option was removed?  

other emulators


hi i was wondering if any one could help me run these plz

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