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Happy birthday gemini12

Have a good one,all the best mate.

MFME for New Designers




I really wasn't going to do this and told vectra666 I would not cross post and gave reasons, then shaun2097 gave a great response so I figured, what the hell, let's cross post this...


...so I am pleased to finally upload a guide to DIF that I've been working on for a little while to try to bring layout designing to those that have never done this before.


For anyone that is slightly interested, please take a look at the download section for the PDF. I will update this as time goes by. Have fun and go and build those layouts...




To access the file you need to be REGISTERED and have confirmed the email as per standard forums these days.


Please do not host the file elsewhere.  It is not much to ask people to download the latest one and more importantly, they can subscribe to the download to get notifications of when it's updated.  I do not give permission for this to be hosted or shared in any form apart from direct download.


The PDF is 30+ pages long of pure MFME information along with a section that teaches you how to build a basic classic layout from scratch.

ROMs on fleabay hour to go!

Is there an emulator for the digital slots you see in bookies?

Hi all
I've been watching quite a few YouTube videos from a guy called "buddylove". The videos are basically him filming himself playing different bandits.

There's lots of vids of him playing a touchscreen one in a bookies that has lots of different games on it. It's really high stakes stuff. "Pharoahs Gold", "Bill and Teds" etc.

Anyone know if there's an emulator for those type of machines?

Glass Scanning


I've been trying to get hold a large scanner to be able to get glass scans in a single image. But have found that the large scanners start around £5k and go upwards in price.


I have been in touch with a local scanning company and asked them if they are able to deal with the large sizes.

If they come back as unable to is there anyone on here who knows of a scanning company or person that would be able to do the job?


My intention is (if possible) to get all the glasses from my 7 JPM's scanned, to be able to create UHD/4k layouts.


I am also making arrangements to get a Vogue cabinet 3D scanned for use in Amber eventually.


Also, does anyone have a spare Indiana Jones top glass (with grail decals) as mine is a bit flakey in places?

Finally Cloned


Hi folks after all my experiments and being told off by several people I was given the opportunity to join a T7 site and it worked wonders I've know got my hard rive cloned to perfection not once but twice so I can play and play to my hearts content.    

Astra Triple Bell


hi folks has anyone got any half decent images of this astra machine ? im working on a classic but could do with a pic for reference..





Wanted: Red Hot Wheels (QPS) Manual


Anyone have a manual for this? Looking at doing a layout but struggling to find a good few lamps & lamp test not much help. Hoping the manual has a list of whats what in it.

Happy birthday Chasnbons


Birthday wishes to Phil, a long time supporter of the scene and good friend.  Hope you have a great day. 

billy the quid


can both of the billy the quid be emulated yet dose anyone know please??


sorry if in wrong place to ask

Online betting clampdown.

I saw this on the BBC.

Watchdog clamps down on online gambling - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-40378723

Could this end with companies including online casinos, not allowed to off wagering requirement bonuses to UK players?

In general it's good to see companies being scrutinise about them practices.

Red Hot Ibiza Emulation


Just playing a few oldies and enjoying as always............. my brain just twigged....


Was Red Hot Ibiza ever emulated?


Can't find it on here, but vaguely remember someone saying some time ago, that there was a sound rom issue?


Hence why I'm guessing it hasn't been done but I may be wrong?


I know my Money Trail finally got there eventually due to missing roms, so kind of hoping this isn't the case with this game.


Can anyone assist please?



Problems downloading Kung Fu


Hi all, please tell me i am doing something wrong?


Loading up this game in MFME 5.0 and saying folder is empty?


Downloaded as normal, selected game, extracted all and moved to desktop, but nothing......empty folder?


Ive done this with every download game in years, but for some reason this one isn't having it?


Can anybody help please?



Astra's "Hearts of Gold" what tech?

Maygay Sound Roms


Hi has anybody got the sound roms for these two epoch machines,the first is nuns of navarone  and the other is evil streak,cheers.

Bell Fruit Ten Up


was just wondering,given the fact that some of the old electro mechanical machines can now be emulated,whether or not this one is one of those that can be done ? would be great if it could :)

Attached Thumbnails

  • 10up.jpg

Global Beavers

Anyone know why Global Games had such an obsession with Beavers featuring in so many of their games?

Carry on screaming by maygay

Hi there don't know if anyone knows if this is possible to be emulated used to play this in a local lazerquest real good game


Request - Tuppenny Nudger (Epoch)


Hi, I'd like someone to do a layout for the Global Games version of Tuppenny Nudger, please.


King ker-ching (maygay) 2004 roms?


Looking for the roms for this machine as i would like to have a go at making a classic layout (using reg's guide) if anyone knows anything about this let me know

cheers :cute:

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